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Question Number 186028 by mathlove last updated on 31/Jan/23

A wolf weighs 40 kg, how many kilo calories does it need to maintain its body temperature?\n

Commented bymr W last updated on 31/Jan/23

do you think it can have a clear   answer?  to maintain its body temperature in  africa or canada? in sommer or in  winter? for a day or a year? ......  this is as you ask: if i′m 40 years old,  how much money do i need to keep  living?  if you just want to know approximately,  then it′s better to search in google.

doyouthinkitcanhaveaclear answer? tomaintainitsbodytemperaturein africaorcanada?insommerorin winter?foradayorayear?...... thisisasyouask:ifim40yearsold, howmuchmoneydoineedtokeep living? ifyoujustwanttoknowapproximately, thenitsbettertosearchingoogle.

Commented bymr W last updated on 31/Jan/23

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