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Question Number 186099 by akuba last updated on 01/Feb/23

1. Solve for the linear system:  x−2y+3z=5  2x+y−4z=0  3x+4y−11z=−5  2. Ghana railways co−operation has 20   trains for it′s operations. It is observed that  x trains can accommodate 2 passengers,  y trains 3 passengers and z trains 5   passengers. Howeer, the totsl number of  passrngers always present at Ghana   railways are 64. During market day, 3 of  x trains, 2 of y trains and 4 of z trains for   a total of 10 trains were used. Determine   the values of x, y and z.


Answered by Mastermind last updated on 01/Feb/23

Ques. 1  x=2,  y=0 and z=1    solution  Using Row reduction Method  x−2y+3z=5         5y−10z=−10         10y−20z=−20    x−2y+3z=5        ....(1)         5y−10z=−10 ...(2)    therefore, from (2), we have   y=2z−2  putting y in (1), we get  x=z+1    Now, z is a free variable  taking z as 1  we have x=2, y=0 and z=1      Mastermind


Commented by akuba last updated on 01/Feb/23

please explain the row reduction method


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