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Question Number 186144 by Rupesh123 last updated on 01/Feb/23

Commented by mr W last updated on 01/Feb/23

if the age of your father is 3 times of  your age,  then how far is your school   away from your home?


Commented by Frix last updated on 01/Feb/23

((cos 3x)/(cos x))=(1/3) ⇒ ((sin 3x)/(sin x))=(7/3)


Commented by mr W last updated on 01/Feb/23

((cos 3x)/(cos x))=(1/3) is an equation which   delivers values for x.  in ∫_A ^B ((sin 3x)/(sin x))dx the ((sin 3x)/(sin x)) is a function  of x which is integrated for x from   A to B.  ∫_A ^B ((sin 3x)/(sin x))dx can also be written as  ∫_A ^B ((sin 3t)/(sin t))dt or ∫_A ^B ((sin 3u)/(sin u))du etc., it  delivers a value which only depends on  A and B, no matter if you write  ∫_A ^B ((sin 3x)/(sin x))dx or ∫_A ^B ((sin 3t)/(sin t))dt or ∫_A ^B ((sin 3u)/(sin u))du.  the solution of the first equation   has nothing to do with the integral!


Commented by Frix last updated on 01/Feb/23

Yes of course you are right.  But as you certainly know with ((sin 3x)/(sin x))=(7/3)  we have (7/3)∫_A ^B dx=((7(B−A))/3)


Commented by Frix last updated on 01/Feb/23

...many strange questions here...


Commented by mr W last updated on 01/Feb/23

no, i don′t agree with you.  when ∫_A ^B ((sin 3x)/(sin x))dx is written, it means  x is a variable in the range [A,B].   there is no reason to say   ((sin 3x)/(sin x))=constant=(7/3).  you could be right, when it is  ∫_A ^B ((sin 3x)/(sin x)) dt.


Commented by ajfour last updated on 01/Feb/23

If ((sin 3x)/(sin x))=(7/3)  ⇒  3sin 3x=7sin x      3sin x(3−4sin^2 x)=7sin x  either   sin x=0  or   4sin^2 x=3−(7/3)=(2/3)  sin^2 x=(1/6)  sin x=±(1/( (√6)))  say     p=sin^(−1) (1/( (√6)))  A=−p  ,  B=p   ((7/3))(B−A)=((14)/3)sin^(−1) (1/( (√6)))


Commented by prakash jain last updated on 02/Feb/23

((sin 3x)/(sin x)) = (7/3) ⇒ x is constant  ⇒∫_A ^B  ((sin3x)/(sin x)) dx=0


Commented by ajfour last updated on 02/Feb/23



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