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Question Number 186214 by test1234 last updated on 02/Feb/23

if S_a =cos(a)+sin(x+a)  then ∫(S_1 /S_2 )−((x+S_1 )/(x−S_3 ))dx=?


Commented by mr W last updated on 02/Feb/23

check your post before publishing!  what do you mean with y^1 ?


Commented by mr W last updated on 02/Feb/23

again: somebody gives a like to a  question without to know what the  question is. terrible!


Commented by test1234 last updated on 02/Feb/23

Oh, this is a weird question.   I make up this question randomly.   I liked this question for test.   I will delete y^1  and remake question. I knew y^1 wouldn′t make sense, I thought maybe they wouldn′t be able to solve it. But I didnt change y^1  thought.


Commented by test1234 last updated on 02/Feb/23

Now you can solve it. I changed this post.


Commented by Frix last updated on 02/Feb/23

I gave the answer but I changed this post.  Now you can change your post again. Then  I′ll change mine...


Commented by test1234 last updated on 02/Feb/23

How you changed? What do you mean about this. Do I change post again now? But you didnt share the answer?


Commented by test1234 last updated on 02/Feb/23

Please someone answer!


Commented by test1234 last updated on 02/Feb/23

Where is your answer! Please someone answer to this post.


Commented by Frix last updated on 02/Feb/23

I shared the answerin above comment but  obviously you were not fast enough to see  it before I changed that comment. This is  a commonly known problem with randomly  changing random questions...


Commented by test1234 last updated on 03/Feb/23

Ok, then give now answer.


Commented by test1234 last updated on 03/Feb/23

Please regive the answer! Or I repost this question.


Commented by test1234 last updated on 03/Feb/23

I cannot delete!


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