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Question Number 186253 by ajfour last updated on 02/Feb/23

Commented by ajfour last updated on 02/Feb/23

The curve is a  cubic ( y=x^3 −x),   and that  0<c<(2/(3(√3))) ∙  Let circle not necessarily be   tangent to cubic curve at (q, c).


Answered by a.lgnaoui last updated on 04/Feb/23

equation de droite (D)  y=ax+b   x=1  y=0  Extremums=(−((√3)/3),+((√3)/3))  conciderons   B(−((√3)/3),((2(√3))/9))∈(D)  y=((1−(√3))/3)x+(((√3) −1)/3)  cercle (C)coupe la ciurbe enC  C(−q,q−q^3 )   ,tangente enC est  (dy/dx)(x=−q)=3q^2 −1=tan θ  r+rcos θ=h−(−q)=h+q  r=((h+q)/(1+(1/( (√(1+tan^2 θ))))))=(((h+q)(√(1+tan^2 θ )))/(1+(√(1+tan^2 θ))))  r=(((h+q)(√((q^2 −(1/3))^2 +(1/9))))/( (√((q^2 −(1/3))^2 +(1/9))) +(1/3)))  la droite(D)tangente au cercle (C) en C  tan ψ=((1−(√3))/3)  (x−x_0 )^2 +(y−y_0 )^2 =r^2   y=(√(r^2 −(x−x_0 )^2  )) +y_0   (dy/dx)=((−2(x−x_0 ))/(2(√(r^2 −(x−x_0 )^2  )) +y_0 ))=((1−(√3))/3) (1)  x−x_0 =z     −6z=(((1−(√3))/3))(y_0 +2(√(r^2 −z^2 )) )  (√(r^2 −z^2 )) =((−9z)/(1−(√3)))−(y_0 /2)  r^2 −z^2 =((81z^2 )/((1−(√3) )^2 ))−((9y_0 )/((85−2(√3) )(1−(√3) )))z+(y_0 ^2 /4)  [((85−2(√3))/((1−(√(3)^2 ))))]z^2 −((9y_0 )/((1−(√(3)))(85−2(√(3)))))z+(y_0 ^2 /4)−r^2 =0  △=((81y_0 ^2 )/((1−(√3) )^2 (85−2(√3) )^2 ))−((y_0 ^2 −4r^2 )/((1−(√3)  )^2 ))(85−2(√3)  )    =81y_0 ^2 −(y_0 ^2 −4r^2 )(85−2(√3) )^3 =0    [81−(85−2(√3) )^3 ]y_0^  ^2 =  4r^2 (85−2(√3) )^3     y_0 =((2r(√((85−2(√3)  )^3  )))/((85−2(√3) )^3 −81))     z=((9−9(√3))/(2(85−2(√3) )^2 ))y_0     en remplacant dans z  en deduire  x−x_0   dans l equation de cerxle  y=y_0 +(√(r^2 −z^2   ))  (1)⇒((1−(√3))/3)=((2r(√((85−2(√3) )^3 )))/((85−2(√3) )^3 −81))+  r(√(1−((81(1−(√3) )^2 )/(2(85−2(√3) )[(85−2(√3) )^3 −81]))))    (A suivre)................  after calcul  ((1−(√3))/3)≅r=(((h+q)(√((q^2 −(1/3))^2 +(1/9))))/( (√((q^2 −(1/3))^2 +(1/9))) +(1/3)))    (h+q)(√((q^2 −(1/3))+(1/9)))=(((1−(√3))/3))[(√((q^2 −(1/3))^2 +(1/9))) +(1/3)]  h+q=(((1−(√3))/3))(((√((q^2 −(1/3))^2 +(1/9))) +(1/3))/( (√((q^2 −(1/3))^2 +(1/9)))))    h=(((1−(√3))/3))(((√((q^2 −(1/3))^2 +(1/9))) +(1/3))/( (√((q^2 −(1/3))^2 +(1/9)))))−q  h=((1−(√3))/3)(1+(1/(3×(√((q^2 −(1/3))^2 +(1/9))))))−q  h=((1−(√3))/3)+((1−(√3))/( (√((9q^2 −3)^2 +9)) ))−q    ∣h+q∣=(((√3) −1)/3)+(((√3) −1)/( (√((9q^2 −3)^2 +9)) ))  h+q=r+(r/( (√(1+tanθ^2 ))))=r(1+(1/( (√(1+(((1−(√3))/3))^2 )))))  h+q=r+((3r)/( (√(13−2(√3)))))  (((√3) −1)/( (√(13−2(√3)))))=(((√3) −1)/( (√((9q^2 −3)^2 +9))))  (9q^2 −3)^2 =4−2(√3)  q^2 =(((√(4−2(√3) )) +3)/9)  q=((√((√(4−2(√3) ))  +3))/3)=1,244  donc  ∣h∣=1,18  r=(((√3) −1)/3)=0,244


Commented by ajfour last updated on 04/Feb/23

Center of circle Q.  Q(q−rsin θ, c+rcos θ)  tan θ=3q^2 −1  Tangent:    y=−m(x−1)  m(1−x)=x^3 −x  x^3 +(m−1)x−m=0  double root ⇒ (m^2 /4)=(((1−m)^3 )/(27))  required m=(1/4)  Tangent:   4y=1−x  h−r=q−rsin θ  −(√(17))r=4(c+rcos θ)−((√(1+tan θ))/( (√3)))−rsin θ−1  ((tan θ+1)/3)={4c−1+r(4cos θ−sin θ+(√(17)))}^2   q^3 =q+c


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