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Question Number 186647 by MathsFan last updated on 07/Feb/23

Due to Earth's rotation. celestial objects like the moon and the stars appear to move across the sky, rising in the East and setting in the West. As a result, if a telescope on the Earth remains stationary while viewing a celestial object, the object will slowly move outside the viewing field of the telescope. For this reason, a motor is often attached to telescopes so that the telescope rotates at the same rate as the Earth. Determine how long it should take the motor to turn the telescope through an angle of 1min in a direction perpendicular to Earth's axis.\n

Commented bymr W last updated on 07/Feb/23

360° ⇒ 1 day=24×60×60 seconds  1′ (=((1°)/(60)))⇒ ? seconds  ?=((24×60×60)/(60×360))=4 seconds

360°1day=24×60×60seconds 1(=1°60)?seconds ?=24×60×6060×360=4seconds

Commented byMathsFan last updated on 07/Feb/23

thank you sir.


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