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Question Number 186762 by ajfour last updated on 09/Feb/23

Commented by ajfour last updated on 09/Feb/23

What minimum length to walk   to start from home with empty  bucket go get water from well n  water the tree.


Commented by mr W last updated on 10/Feb/23

Commented by mr W last updated on 11/Feb/23

for a given path length AC+CB the  locus of point C is an ellipse with  focii at A and B. to find the shortest  length of path from A to B via well,   we just need to find the ellipse which  touches the circle (well).


Commented by mr W last updated on 11/Feb/23

Answered by ajfour last updated on 10/Feb/23

w={(a+r−rcos θ)^2 +r^2 sin^2 θ}^(1/2)   +{(b+r−rcos φ)^2 +r^2 sin^2 φ}^(1/2)   +r{(π/2)−(φ+θ)}  =Σ(√((a+2rsin^2  (θ/2))^2 +4r^2 sin^2 (θ/2)cos^2 (θ/2)))        +r{(π/2)−(φ+θ)}  =Σ(√(a^2 +4r(a+r)sin^2 (θ/2)))+r{(π/2)−(φ+θ)}  =Σ(√(a^2 +2r(a+r)(1−cos θ)))+r{(π/2)−(φ+θ)}  (∂w/∂θ)=((2r(a+r)sin θ)/( (√N_θ )))−r=0  ⇒  (√N_θ )=2(a+r)sin θ   (∂w/∂φ)=0  ⇒  (√N_φ )=2(a+r)sin φ  w=2(a+r)(sin θ−sin φ)+r{(π/2)−(φ+θ)}    further  4(a+r)^2 sin^2 θ=a^2 +2r(a+r)(1−cos θ)  ⇒ 4(a+r)^2 =4(a+r)^2 z^2 −2r(a+r)z        +a^2 +2r(a+r)  ⇒  z^2 −((rz)/(2(a+r)))+(1/4)+(r^2 /(4(a+r)^2 ))=1  z=(r/(4(a+r)))±(√((r^2 /(16(a+r)^2 ))−(r^2 /(4(a+r)^2 ))+1−(1/4)))  cos θ=(r/(4(a+r))){1±(√((3/4)[((a/r)+1)^2 −1]))}  similarly cos φ. Hence w.


Commented by mr W last updated on 10/Feb/23

Commented by mr W last updated on 10/Feb/23

i think only in case 1 one may need  to walk around the well. in any other  case one should not walk around the   well to take the shortest way.


Commented by ajfour last updated on 10/Feb/23

yeah brilliant short interpretation!


Answered by mr W last updated on 10/Feb/23

Commented by mr W last updated on 11/Feb/23

case 2: ((ab)/( (√(a^2 +b^2 ))))≥r  (assume b≥a)  eqn. of ellipse:  (x^2 /p^2 )+(y^2 /q^2 )=1  AB=c=(√(a^2 +b^2 ))  (c/2)=(√(p^2 −q^2 ))  ⇒p^2 −q^2 =((a^2 +b^2 )/4)   ...(i)  x_A =−x_B =(c/2)  x_D =(c/2)−(a^2 /c)  y_D =((ab)/c)  say C(p cos θ, q sin θ)  tan ϕ=((q cos θ)/(p sin θ))=(q/(p tan θ))  (c/2)−(a^2 /c)=p cos θ+r sin ϕ=p cos θ+((rq)/( (√(p^2  tan^2  θ+q^2 ))))  ((b^2 −a^2 )/(2(√(a^2 +b^2 ))))=p cos θ+((rq)/( (√(p^2  tan^2  θ+q^2 ))))  let m=tan θ  ⇒((b^2 −a^2 )/(2(√(a^2 +b^2 ))))=(p/( (√(m^2 +1))))+((rq)/( (√(p^2 m^2 +q^2 ))))   ...(ii)  ((ab)/c)=q sin θ+r cos ϕ=q sin θ+((rp tan θ)/( (√(p^2  tan^2  θ+q^2 ))))  ⇒((ab)/( (√(a^2 +b^2 ))))=m((q/( (√(m^2 +1))))+((rp)/( (√(p^2 m^2 +q^2 )))))   ...(iii)  we can solve (i) to (iii) for p,q,m.  the length of way AC+CB=L=2p  example:  a=4, b=6, r=1.5  ⇒p≈3.8645, q≈1.9344  ⇒shortest way L=2p≈7.7290


Commented by mr W last updated on 11/Feb/23

Answered by mr W last updated on 11/Feb/23

Commented by mr W last updated on 11/Feb/23

case 1: ((ab)/( (√(a^2 +b^2 ))))<r  AC=(√(a^2 +r^2 −2ar cos θ))  CD^(⌢) =r((π/2)−θ−ϕ)  DB=(√(b^2 +r^2 −2br cos ϕ))  L=(√(a^2 +r^2 −2ar sin θ))+(√(b^2 +r^2 −2br sin ϕ))+r((π/2)−θ−ϕ)  (∂L/∂θ)=((ar sin θ)/( (√(a^2 +r^2 −2ar cos θ))))−r=0  ⇒a^2 sin^2  θ=a^2 +r^2 −2ar cos θ  ⇒a^2 cos^2  θ−2ar cos θ+r^2 =0  ⇒(a cos θ−r)^2 =0  ⇒cos θ=(r/a)  similarly  ⇒cos ϕ=(r/b)  that means for shortest way AC   and BD tangent the circle respectively  as shown in the diagram above.  L_(min) =(√(a^2 −r^2 ))+(√(b^2 −r^2 ))+r((π/2)−cos^(−1) (r/a)−cos^(−1) (r/b))


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