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Question Number 187364 by ajfour last updated on 16/Feb/23

Commented by ajfour last updated on 16/Feb/23

Find the time taken by ball to  reach down the y=bx^2   valley.  The  height =ba^2    (≠ab^2   ⌣^(• •) )  No friction.


Commented by a.lgnaoui last updated on 17/Feb/23

Soit Reference ℜ(ox,oy)  oy:   a_y =−g     v=−gt+v_(0y)     at t_0 =0     y_o =ab^2     v_(0y) =0  ⇒y=−(1/2)gt^2 +ab^2   Along  axis [ox):   a_x =0  v=(√(v_x ^2 +v_y ^2 ))  v^2 =2gx    x=a =vt     y=0        (1/2)gt^2 =ab^2                    t=b(√((2a)/g))


Commented by ajfour last updated on 17/Feb/23

This wont do, wrong, i shall post  my solution..soon (hrs..)


Answered by ajfour last updated on 17/Feb/23

Commented by ajfour last updated on 17/Feb/23

y=bx^2   (dy/dx)=2bx =tan θ  while  ((dy/dt))^2 =4b^2 x^2 =4by    v^2 =2g(ba^2 −y)  v_x ^2 sec^2 θ=2g(ba^2 −y)  ((dx/dt))^2 (1+4b^2 x^2 )=2g(ba^2 −y)  ((dy/dt))^2 (((1+4b^2 x^2 )/(4b^2 x^2 )))=2g(ba^2 −y)  (dy/dt)(√((1+4by)/(4by)))=(√(2g))(√(ba^2 −y))  (1/( (√(2g))))∫_0 ^( t) dt=∫_(ba^2 ) ^( 0) (√((1/(4by))+1))(√(1/(ba^2 −y)))dy  .....


Answered by mr W last updated on 17/Feb/23

Commented by mr W last updated on 17/Feb/23

i replace a with R, ba^2  with H.  eqn. of parabola is  y=H((x/R))^2   let η=(H/R), ξ=(x/R)∈[−1,1]  y′=2H(x/R^2 )=2ηξ  y′′=2(H/R^2 )=((2η)/R)  radius of curvature r=(([1+(y′)^2 ]^(3/2) )/(∣y′′∣))  ⇒r=(((1+4η^2 ξ)^(3/2) R)/(2η))  (1/2)mv^2 =mg(H−y)=mg(H−Hξ^2 )  ⇒v^2 =2gH(1−ξ^2 )  ⇒v=(√(2gH(1−ξ^2 )))    ds=(√(1+(y′)^2 ))dx=R(√(1+4η^2 ξ^2 ))dξ  dt=(ds/v)=(R/( (√(2gH))))(√((1+4η^2 ξ^2 )/(1−ξ^2 )))dξ  the time the ball takes to move down  the valley:  T=(R/( (√(2gH))))∫_0 ^1 (√((1+4η^2 ξ^2 )/(1−ξ^2 )))dξ  T=(√((2H)/g))×(1/(2η))∫_0 ^1 (√((1+4η^2 ξ^2 )/(1−ξ^2 )))dξ     =k(√((2H)/g))  with k=(1/(2η))∫_0 ^1 (√((1+4η^2 ξ^2 )/(1−ξ^2 )))dξ               =(1/(2η))E((π/2)∣−4η^2 )   (√((2H)/g)) is the time for the ball to  fall freely from height H.     exact formula for k is not possible.  examples:  η=(H/R)=1 ⇒k≈1.3176  η=(H/R)=2 ⇒k≈1.1018  η=(H/R)=4 ⇒k≈1.0309  η=(H/R)=10 ⇒k≈1.0061


Commented by mr W last updated on 17/Feb/23

Commented by mr W last updated on 17/Feb/23

when the ball takes the shortest   way (blue inclined plane):  T=(√(1+(1/η^2 ))) (√((2H)/g))  η=1, k=1.4142  η=2, k=1.1180  η=4, k=1.0308  η=10, k=1.0050  that means the ball may need more   time when following the shortest   straight way than following the   parabola.


Commented by ajfour last updated on 17/Feb/23

Thank you sir, extensive analysis!


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