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Question Number 189013 by Pengu last updated on 10/Mar/23

Suppose (G, ∙ ) and (H, ∗ ) are groups.  Take homomorphism φ : G → H.  Suppose ∃g∈G : ∣g∣ = n, then ∣φ(g)∣ ≤ n.     Does ∀g∈G, ∣g∣ = ∣φ(g)∣ ⇒ G ≅ H ?


Answered by aleks041103 last updated on 11/Mar/23

suppose ∣φ(g)∣=m>n.  ⇒(φ(g))^k ≠id_H , k=1,2,...,m−1  But, since φ is a homomorhism, then  (φ(g))^k =φ(g^k )  let k=n<m⇒(φ(g))^n =φ(g^n )=φ(id_G )=id_H   but since n<m, then (φ(g))^n ≠id_H   ⇒id_H ≠id_H ⇒contradiction  ⇒∣φ(g)∣≤∣g∣


Commented by aleks041103 last updated on 11/Mar/23

Note:  φ:(G,∙)→(H,∗) is a homomorhism  iff  φ(g_1 ∙g_2 )=φ(g_1 )∗φ(g_2 )  ⇒ the following properties are following    φ(id∙g)=φ(g)=φ(id)∗φ(g)=id∗φ(g)  ⇒since id is unique then  φ(id)=id    ⇒φ(g^(−1) ∙g)=φ(g^(−1) )∗φ(g)=φ(id)=id  ⇒φ(g^(−1) )=(φ(g))^(−1)


Answered by aleks041103 last updated on 11/Mar/23

For the second question:  if φ∈Hom(G,H) is surjective   and ∀g∈G:∣g∣=∣φ(g)∣ then G≅H.    suppose φ isnt injective  then  ∃g_1 ,g_2 ∈G and g_1 ≠g_2  such that  φ(g_1 )=φ(g_2 )  ⇒(φ(g_1 ))^(−1) ∗φ(g_1 )=(φ(g_1 ))^(−1) ∗φ(g_2 )  id_H =φ(g_1 ^(−1) ∙g_2 )=φ(g_3 )  since ∣g∣=∣φ(g)∣⇒1=∣id_H ∣=∣φ(g_3 )∣=∣g_3 ∣  ⇒∣g_3 ∣=1⇒g_3 ^1 =g_3 =id_G   ⇒g_1 ^(−1) ∙g_2 =id_G ⇒g_1 =g_2 ⇒contradiction  ⇒φ is injective.  Since φ is also surjective⇒φ is bijective  ⇒φ is bijective homomorphism  ⇒φ is a isomorphism  ⇒G≅H    if G≅H then ∃bij. homomorhism φ:G→H  then it is obvious that ∣φ(g)∣=∣g∣ for ∀g∈G


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