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Question Number 189716 by Mastermind last updated on 20/Mar/23

Answered by mr W last updated on 21/Mar/23



Commented by Mastermind last updated on 21/Mar/23

Someone said its 48


Commented by mr W last updated on 21/Mar/23

what do you say?


Commented by mr W last updated on 21/Mar/23

method 1:  at first only the 5 people of the friend  family will be seated. there are 4!  ways to do this. betweem there are  5 places where peter and his wife  can be seated. peter and his wife can  change their seats, there are 2 ways.  so totally there are  4!×5×2=240 ways.    method 2:  at first only peter and the 5 people  from the friend family will be seated.   to arrange the 6 people at the table  there are 5! ways. now peter′s wife  takes a seat next to peter, right to  him or left to him, so 2 ways.   totally 5!×2=240 ways.


Answered by manolex last updated on 21/Mar/23

P_c =(n−1)!  Peter  and  wife             1     2!  anfitrion and wife      1      established sites  1!  3 family                             3  n=5  P_c =4!2!  P_c =48


Commented by mr W last updated on 21/Mar/23

do peter and his wife belong to the  family which invited them? when   it′s a family of 5 members, how   many people totally are taking the   dinner?  A) 5      B) 7      C) none of both


Commented by manolex last updated on 21/Mar/23

Commented by manolex last updated on 21/Mar/23

Answered by mehdee42 last updated on 21/Mar/23

case1)if thay are in a row ⇒ 6!×2!  case2) if they  are around a tsble ⇒ 5!×2!


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