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Question Number 190793 by 2kdw last updated on 11/Apr/23

  A projectile of mass M explodes at thee  highst point of its trajectory when it hase  vlocity . The horizontal distance travelede  btween launch and explosion is x_0  . Two  fragments are produced with initiale  velocitis parallel to the ground. They   thenfollow their trajectories until they hitt  he ground. The fragment of mass m_1  retuns exactly to the launch point of thei  orginal projectile (of mass M) while thee  othr fragment of mass m_2  hits the grounda  t a distance D from this point. Disregardn  iteraction with air and assume that massa  ws conserved in the explosion (m_1 +m_2 =M) Determine the magnitude of the   velocity of fragment 2 just before it hits theground.  (a) ((gx_0 )/v)  (b)(√((25)/9))v  (c) (√(((25)/9)v^2 +(((gx_0 )/5))2))  (d)(√((5/3)x_0 v^2 +(((gx_0 )/v))2))


Commented by mr W last updated on 12/Apr/23

terribly many typos!   due to the many typos all answers   given are wrong!  please check your typos and fix them  at first!  and please make proper line breaks!


Answered by mr W last updated on 12/Apr/23

Commented by mr W last updated on 12/Apr/23

v_1 =v  t=(x_0 /v)=(D/v_2 )  ⇒v_2 =((Dv)/x_0 )  h=((gt^2 )/2)=(g/2)((x_0 /v))^2   v_3 ^2 =v_2 ^2 +2gh=(((Dv)/x_0 ))^2 +(((gx_0 )/v))^2   ⇒v_3 =(√((((Dv)/x_0 ))^2 +(((gx_0 )/v))^2 ))


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