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Question Number 190849 by sciencestudentW last updated on 13/Apr/23

are there tow type of quantity in physics  like (vector & scalar)? or is any other  3rd ?

aretheretowtypeofquantityinphysics like(vector&scalar)?orisanyother 3rd?

Commented bymr W last updated on 13/Apr/23

assumed you need food,  do you want other people to give you  fish or the technique how to fish?    if you just want fish, then the   answer is no. in physics there are   also other quantities than vector   and scalar.    if you want the technique how to fish,  then the answer is Google, ChatGPT  etc.    if you only want fish, then you′ll  always need food from other people.  if you have got the technique how to  fish, then you′ll never have hunger   again.  i think this is a proverb in old China.

assumedyouneedfood, doyouwantotherpeopletogiveyou fishorthetechniquehowtofish? ifyoujustwantfish,thenthe answerisno.inphysicsthereare alsootherquantitiesthanvector andscalar. ifyouwantthetechniquehowtofish, thentheanswerisGoogle,ChatGPT etc. ifyouonlywantfish,thenyoull alwaysneedfoodfromotherpeople. ifyouhavegotthetechniquehowto fish,thenyoullneverhavehunger again. ithinkthisisaproverbinoldChina.

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