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Question Number 191663 by mathlove last updated on 28/Apr/23

2^a +4^b +8^c =328  find a,b and c  when(a,b,c)is natual number


Answered by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 28/Apr/23

2^a +4^b +8^c =328  2^a +2^(2b) +2^(3c) =328=101001000_2                              =2^8 +2^6 +2^3   3c=3,6⇒c=1,2  2b=6,8⇒b=3,4  a=3,6,8  c= { ((1⇒b= { ((3⇒a=8)),((4⇒a=6)) :})),((2⇒b=4⇒a=3)) :}  (a,b,c)=(3,4,2),(6,4,1),(8,3,1)


Commented by BaliramKumar last updated on 28/Apr/23

Nice solution Sir


Commented by mathlove last updated on 28/Apr/23

thanks sir


Answered by BaliramKumar last updated on 28/Apr/23

2^a +2^(2b) +2^(3c)  = 2^3 ×41  2^(3c) (2^(a−3c) +2^(2b−3c) +1) = 2^3 ×41  c = 1  2^(a−3) +2^(2b−3) +1 = 41  2^(a−3) +2^(2b−3)  = 40  2^(a−3) +2^(2b−3)  = 2^3 ×5  2^a +2^(2b)  = 2^6 ×5  2^(2b) (2^(a−2b) +1) = 2^6 ×5  b = 3  2^(a−2×3) +1 = 5  2^(a−6)  = 5−1 = 4 = 2^2   a−6 = 2  a = 8


Commented by mathlove last updated on 28/Apr/23



Answered by mehdee42 last updated on 28/Apr/23

number 328 is made by combining the sum of three numbers 256,64 & 8 .according to the experssions in the given eqution ,we hsve the following  three states.  (2^a ,4^b ,8^c )=(256,64,8)=(64,256,8)=(8,256,64)  ⇒(a,b,c)=(8,3,1)∨(6,4,1)∨(3,4,2)


Answered by LOSER last updated on 29/Apr/23

2^a ; 4^b ; 8^c  > 0 ∀ a; b; c ∈ R  ⇒ 8^c  < 328 ⇒ c = 2; c = 1; c = 0  • c = 2   ⇒ 2^a  + 4^b  = 264 ⇒ 4^b  < 264  ⇒ b = 4; b = 3; b = 2; b = 1; b = 0  ∗ b = 4 ⇒ a = 3  ∗ b = 3; b = 2; b = 1; b = 0 ⇒ ∄ a  • c = 1  ⇒ 2^a  + 4^b  = 320 ⇒ 4^b  < 320  ⇒ b = 4; b = 3; b = 2; b = 1; b = 0  ∗ b = 4 ⇒ a = 6  ∗ b = 3 ⇒ a = 8  ∗ b = 2; b = 1; b = 0 ⇒ ∄ a  • c = 0  ⇒ 2^a  + 4^b  = 327  ⇒ b = 4; b = 3; b = 2; b = 1; b = 0 ⇒ ∄ a  ⇒ (a; b; c) = (3; 4; 2); (6; 4; 1); (8; 3; 1)


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