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Question Number 191688 by Mastermind last updated on 29/Apr/23

Divide a 113mm line into ratio  1:2:4


Commented by Mastermind last updated on 29/Apr/23

Ok my BOSS, thank you!  but i have about four questions on  abstract algebra, i′ll post it soon


Commented by mr W last updated on 29/Apr/23

can you divide a 10 mm line into  ratio 1:2?   if yes, then you should also be able to  solve this simple question.  if no, then you are still a kindergarten   kid. then i ask myself how can you   with this level understand all those   other questions which you have posted  about trigonometry, calculus, multiple  integral, differential equations,  comlex numbers etc. and even those  ones like the following which i don′t  know what it is.  so please be serious and don′t fool  other people!


Commented by mr W last updated on 29/Apr/23

Commented by talminator2856792 last updated on 30/Apr/23

  bro why you so toxic this is a forum for everyone.


Commented by mr W last updated on 30/Apr/23

honesty and respect are the base for  a good “with each other”, in a forum  or else where in real life.  image you were helping somebody in  the street who was crying loudly for  help and then you realised that he in  fact didn′t need any help at all.  what   will you think?


Commented by talminator2856792 last updated on 03/May/23

  people dont talk about mathematics because they need help.      we do this by our own interest.


Commented by mr W last updated on 04/May/23

i think you are speaking only for   yourself, not for him. just have a   look of his posts! sometimes he cries   for help literally.  since you say “we” and “our”, are you   an elected speaker for many people?  if you only speak for yourself, you  don′t need to represent other people,  i think.


Commented by talminator2856792 last updated on 05/May/23

  so do you spend time on mathematics not out of interest.      are you forced to interact with this forum.


Commented by mr W last updated on 05/May/23

i won′t say that other people also think  what i think. i only represent myself  alone, so i can′t speak for other people   as you can.


Answered by ajfour last updated on 05/May/23

Commented by ajfour last updated on 05/May/23

much ado about nothing!


Commented by mr W last updated on 05/May/23



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