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Question Number 192062 by mehdee42 last updated on 07/May/23

prove it :      times_n   ;   (√(4+(√(4+(√(4+...+(√4)))))  )) < 3

proveit: times_n;4+4+4+...+4<3

Commented byajfour last updated on 08/May/23

but 4> 3      how can this be...  really no use arguing!

but4>3 howcanthisbe... reallynousearguing!

Commented byajfour last updated on 08/May/23

sometimes it just really dont make no sense et al.

Commented bymehdee42 last updated on 08/May/23

pay attention to question     that is ((√4)<3 ) right , not what you wrote (4>3)

payattentiontoquestion thatis(4<3)right,notwhatyouwrote(4>3)

Answered by Frix last updated on 07/May/23

x=(√(4+(√(4+(√(4+...))))))>0  x=(√(4+x))  x^2 −x−4=0  x=((1+(√(17)))/2)  ((1+(√(17)))/2)<3  1+(√(17))<6  (√(17))<5  17<25 true

x=4+4+4+...>0 x=4+x x2x4=0 x=1+172 1+172<3 1+17<6 17<5 17<25true

Commented bymehdee42 last updated on 07/May/23

pay  attention :  (√(4+(√(4+(√(4+....)))))) ≠ (√(4+(√(4+(√(4+...(√4)))))))   ⇒ if   x=(√(4+(√(4+(√(4+...(√4)))))))⇏x^2 =4+x  the expression on the left contains the infinitive of the   sentence .while the number of  sentenes   in thr right experession is finit.

payattention: 4+4+4+....4+4+4+...4 ifx=4+4+4+...4x2=4+x theexpressionontheleftcontainstheinfinitiveofthe sentence.whilethenumberofsentenes inthrrightexperessionisfinit.

Commented byFrix last updated on 07/May/23

x=((1+(√(17)))/2)  (√4)<(√(4+(√4)))<(√(4+(√(4+(√4)))))<...<x<3

x=1+172 4<4+4<4+4+4<...<x<3

Commented bymehdee42 last updated on 07/May/23

why  ♮...< x <3 ε ?!


Commented byAST last updated on 07/May/23

Let 4_n =(√(4+(√(4+(√(4+...+(√4))))))) (where 4 appears n  times)  4_n <4_p  when n<p...(i)  This is true since 4_n =(√(4+z)) and z increases as  n increases.  since 4_∞ <3,(i)⇒4_n <4_∞ <3  Hence,we have shown that for all n,4_n <3.

Let4n=4+4+4+...+4(where4appearsn times) 4n<4pwhenn<p...(i) Thisistruesince4n=4+zandzincreasesas nincreases. since4<3,(i)4n<4<3 Hence,wehaveshownthatforalln,4n<3.

Commented bymehdee42 last updated on 07/May/23

sir  why  4_n <4_∞ <3  ??

sir why4n<4<3??

Commented bymehdee42 last updated on 07/May/23

it can be proven by a very simple   mahematical induction metod  good luck

itcanbeprovenbyaverysimple mahematicalinductionmetod goodluck

Answered by mehdee42 last updated on 08/May/23

answer to question number   let : p_n = n_ termes   (√(4+(√(4+(√(4+...+(√4))))) ))<3   p_1  =(√4)=2<3 ✓      i.s  p_k  = (k _ termes ) (√(4+(√(4+(√(4+....+(√4)))))))<3    i.h   p_(k+1)  =(k+1 _ termes)   (√(4+(√(4+(√(4+...+(√4))))))) <3   ?  i.r  p_(k+1) ^2  =4+(k_termes) (√(4+(√(4+(√(4+...+(√4))))) ))<4+3=7   ⇒ p_(k+1) <(√7)<3 ✓

answertoquestionnumber let:pn=n_termes4+4+4+...+4<3 p1=4=2<3i.s pk=(k_termes)4+4+4+....+4<3i.h pk+1=(k+1_termes)4+4+4+...+4<3?i.r pk+12=4+(k_termes)4+4+4+...+4<4+3=7 pk+1<7<3

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