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Question Number 192336 by Mastermind last updated on 14/May/23

Answered by Rajpurohith last updated on 27/May/23

Since S is bounded ,inf(S) and sup(S) exist and λ∈R.  (a)∀s∈S , inf(S)≤s  ⇒  ∀s∈S , inf(S)+λ≤s+λ  ⇒inf(S)+λ is a lower bound of S+λ.  if  inf(S)+λ<t (be a lower bound of S+λ)  ⇒inf(S)<t−λ (which is a lower bound of S)  which is a contradiction since no such lower  bound which exceeds inf(S), can exist.  Thus ,inf(S+λ)=inf(S)+λ    (b)let λ>0 ⇒λs≤λsup(S) , ∀s∈S  ⇒λsup(S) is an upper bound of S_λ .  let u be any upper bound of S_(λ ) such that  u<λsup(S) ⇒(u/λ)<sup(S)...(1)  By our assumption that u is an upper bounf for S_λ ,  λs≤u which shows (u/λ) is an upper bound of S which does not exceed its supremum (by 1)  Hence  a contradiction!  (c)Hope you can try further.


Commented by Mastermind last updated on 04/Jun/23

Thank you so much


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