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Question Number 192342 by Mastermind last updated on 15/May/23

1) Compute in S_a  , a^(−1) ba  where   a=(1 2)(1 3 5), b=(1 5 7 1)    2) Given permutation α = (1 2)(3 4),  β = (1 3)(5 6). Find a permutation  x∈S_6  ∃αx = β.    help!


Answered by aleks041103 last updated on 15/May/23

1)  b=(1 5 7 1) = (1 5 7)  a=(1 2)(1 3 5)=(2 1)(1 3 5)=(2 1 3 5)  ⇒a^(−1) =(5 3 1 2)  ⇒a^(−1) ba=  =(5 3 1 2)(1 5 7)(2 1 3 5)=  = (((1 2 3 4 5 6 7)),((1 3 7 4 5 6 2)) ) = (2 3 7)=a^(−1) ba    2)  αx=β, α,β,x∈S_6 , x=?  Since S_6  is a group, then ∃α^(−1)   ⇒α^(−1) αx=x=α^(−1) β  α=(1 2)(3 4)  ⇒α^(−1) =(4 3)(2 1)=(3 4)(1 2)=(1 2)(3 4)=α  ⇒x=αβ=(1 2)(3 4)(1 3)(5 6)=  =(1 2)(4 3)(3 1)(5 6)=  =(1 2)(4 3 1)(5 6)=  =(2 1)(1 4 3)(5 6)=  =(2 1 4 3)(5 6)=  =(1 4 3 2)(5 6)=x


Commented by Mastermind last updated on 18/May/23

Thank you boss, you really tried


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