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Question Number 192793 by York12 last updated on 27/May/23

x^4 +x^3 +x^2 +x+1=y^2  where y is positive integer number  then find the positive integal values of (x)  for which that holds


Answered by deleteduser1 last updated on 27/May/23

4(x^4 +x^3 +x^2 +x+1)=(2y)^2   (2x^2 +x)^2 <(2y)^2 =4y^2 <(2x^2 +x+1)^2  when x>3  ⇒4y^2  cannot be a perfect square when x>3  This implies y^2  cannot also be  So,we check x≤3  ⇒(x,y)=(3,11)


Commented by York12 last updated on 27/May/23

(x^2 +(x/2))^2 <(x^4 +x^3 +x^2 +x+1)<(x^2 +(x/2)+1)^2   for x ∈Even numbers   then it is impossible  to find a  perfect square number  Between (x^2 +(x/2))^2  & (x^2 +(x/2)+1)^2  becsuse  They are consecuative integers.  Then x ∈ odd numbers → (x^2 +(x/2))^2  & (x^2 +(x/2)+1)^2   are not perfect squares but there one perfect square  between them :  (x^2 +(x/2)+(1/2))^2   and since :  (x^2 +(x/2))^2 <(x^4 +x^3 +x^2 +x+1)<(x^2 +(x/2)+1)^2   ∴ x^4 +x^3 +x^2 +x+1=(x^2 +(x/2)+(1/2))^2   x^4 +x^3 +x^2 +x+1=x^4 +x^3 +x^2 +(x^2 /4)+(x/2)+(1/4)  x^2 −2x−3=0 → x ∈ {3 ,−1}   ∴  x = 3 ( That ′s  it )


Answered by MM42 last updated on 28/May/23

x(x+1)(x^2 +1)=(y−1)(y+1)  ∗  the lrft side is always even ,so  the right side   must also be even.  (y−1)(y+1),two even numbers are consecutive  we can arrang the left side of the above relationship of the follows  (x^2 +x)(x^2 +1) or (x+1)(x^3 +x) or x(x^3 +x^2 +x+1)  case 1  ∣x^2 +x−x^2 −1∣=2⇒x=−1 × & x=3 ⇒y=11 ✓  case 2  ∣x^3 +x−x−1∣=2⇒x=−1 & (3)^(1/3)  ×   case 3  ∣x^3 +x^2 +x+1−x∣=2⇒∣x^3 +x^2 +1∣=2 ×(because x>0 )  therefore ,the only answer is ; x=3 & y=11


Commented by York12 last updated on 27/May/23

you can subtract 2 also and you will come up  with the same results


Commented by MM42 last updated on 27/May/23

thank you


Commented by York12 last updated on 28/May/23

you are welcome sir


Commented by MM42 last updated on 28/May/23

I am a retired teacher .and i am   very happy to be member of this community  good luck


Commented by York12 last updated on 28/May/23

Nice to meet you sir   I am a junior high scholar in grade 10   and I am preparing for The IMO


Commented by MM42 last updated on 28/May/23

i hpoe you have e good future


Commented by York12 last updated on 28/May/23

thanks really appreciate it


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