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Question Number 192839 by Mingma last updated on 29/May/23

Answered by witcher3 last updated on 02/Jun/23

we see that 2,7 can′t bee factor of n  and 11∣n   if n≢0[11]  ((n^2 +4^n +7^n )/n)∈N⇔((4^n +7^n )/n)∈N  4^n +7^n ≡4^n +(−4)^n ≡0[11],n=2k+1...  but ((n^2 +4^n +7^n )/n)≡n≠0[11]  let n=11^b m   b>1,m∧11=1;m∧2=1  we have to show that  4^n +7^n ≡0[11^(b+1) ]  first  4^(11) ≡(4^4 )^2 .4^3 =(256)^2 .64[121]  ≡(14)^2 .64=75.4.16[121]  =58.2.8[121]=81[121]  7^(11) ≡40[121]=(−81)[121]  (4^(11) )^(11) =(11^2 k+81)^(11)   =Σ_(j=0) ^(11) C_j ^(11) (11^2 k)^j 81^(11−j)   ∀j≥1    11^3 ∣C_j ^(11) (11^2 k)^j   ⇒4^(11^2 ) ≡81^(11) [11^3 ]  By recursion  4^(11^b ) ≡81^(11^(b−1) ) [11^(b+1) ]  ⇒4^n =(4^(11^b ) )^m =81^(m.11^(b−1) ) [11^(b+1) ]  7^n =7^(m.11^b ) =(−81)^(m11^(b−1) ) [11^(b+1) ]  m11^(b−1) ≡1[2]   4^n +7^n ≡0[11^(b+1) ]  ((n^2 +4^n +7^n )/n)=n+((11^(b+1) t)/(11^b .m))=n+11(t/m)∈N  m∣t ;(t/m)=h  n+11h=11^b m+11h=11(h+11^(b−1) m)≡0[11]


Commented by Mingma last updated on 04/Jun/23

Perfect ��

Commented by witcher3 last updated on 04/Jun/23

thanx sir


Answered by deleteduser1 last updated on 05/Jun/23

⇒n∣4^n +7^n  ⇒n is odd  Let p be the minimal prime that divides n  Then 4^n +7^n ≡0(mod p)⇒4^n (1+((7/4))^n )≡0(mod p)  ⇒((7/4))^(2n) ≡1(mod p) [Since (n,4)=1]  ⇒ord_p ((7/4))∣2n and ord_p ((7/4))∣p−1  ⇒ord_p ((7/4))∣(2n,p−1)=2(n,((p−1)/2))=2  [Since if n and ((p−1)/2) have any similar factors  other than 1, it contradicts the minimality of p]  ⇒ord_p ((7/4))=1 or 2  ⇒7≡4(mod p) or 49≡16(mod p)  ⇒3≡0(mod p) or 33≡0(mod p)⇒p=3 or 11  Checking⇒p=11  v_(11) (4^n +7^n )=v_(11) (11)+v_(11) (n)=1+v_(11) (n)>v_(11) (n)  ⇒n=11^k x where (x,11)=1  Similarly, checking the minimal prime of x  gives 11. This contradicts (x,11)=1  ⇒n=11^k   So n∣4^n +7^n      only if n=11^k   ⇒((n^2 +4^n +7^n )/n)=11^k +((11^(k+1) q)/(11^k ))=11^k +11q  =11(11^(k−1) +q) which is divisible by 11.


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