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Question Number 192875 by York12 last updated on 30/May/23

x^2 −yz=a^n   y^2 −zx=b^n   z^2 −xy=c^n   find (x , y , z) in terms of (a , b , c)


Answered by Frix last updated on 30/May/23

My path:  1. y=px∧z=qx  2. p=u+v∧q=u−v  It′s then possible to solve the system.  I got  u=((b^(2n) +c^(2n) −a^n (b^n +c^n ))/(2(a^(2n) −b^n c^n )))∧v=(((a^n +b^n +c^n )(c^n −b^n ))/(2(a^(2n) −b^n c^n )))  p=((b^(2n) −a^n c^n )/(a^(2n) −b^n c^n ))∧q=((c^(2n) −a^n b^n )/(a^(2n) −b^n c^n ))  x=±((a^(2n) −b^n c^n )/( (√(a^(3n) +b^(3n) +c^(3n) −3a^n b^n c^n ))))  y=±((b^(2n) −a^n c^n )/( (√(a^(3n) +b^(3n) +c^(3n) −3a^n b^n c^n ))))  z=±((c^(2n) −a^n b^n )/( (√(a^(3n) +b^(3n) +c^(3n) −3a^n b^n c^n ))))  I′m too lazy to type the complete workings  but everybody should be able to do it if  needed.


Commented by York12 last updated on 30/May/23

thanks so much sir that was more than  enough


Commented by York12 last updated on 30/May/23

you have exploited that all of them are   homogeneous equations of the second degree


Answered by MM42 last updated on 30/May/23

1)x^2 −yz=a^n  →^(×y)  x^2 y−y^2 z=a^n y  (i)  2)y^2 −zx=b^n  →^(×z)  y^2 z−z^2 x=b^n z   (ii)  3)z^2 −xy=c^n  →^(×x)  xz^2 −x^2 y=c^n x  (iii)  (i)+(ii)+(iii)→c^n x+a^n y+b^n z=0   (iv)  if  1)→^(×z)   & 2)→^(×x)  & 3)→^(×y)   and  sum of obtined relation→ b^n x+c^n y+a^n z=0  (v)  a^n ×(iv)−b^n ×(v)→(a^n c^n −b^(2n) )x+(a^(2n) −b^n c^n )y=0  ⇒x=((a^(2n) −b^n c^n )/(b^(2n) −a^n c^n )) y   (vi)  c^n ×(iv)−a^n ×(v)→(c^(2n) −a^n b^n )x+(b^n c^n −a^(2n) )z=0  ⇒x=((a^(2n) −b^n c^n )/(a^n b^n −c^(2n) )) z    (vii)  (vi) & (vii) ⇒ (x/(a^(2n) −b^n c^n ))=(y/(b^(2n) −a^n c^n ))=(z/(a^n b^n −c^(2n) ))


Commented by York12 last updated on 30/May/23

good job sir


Commented by Frix last updated on 30/May/23

But the job is not done yet...


Commented by York12 last updated on 30/May/23

the rest is trivial sir


Commented by York12 last updated on 30/May/23

  1)x^2 −yz=a^n  →^(×y)  x^2 y−y^2 z=a^n y  (i)  2)y^2 −zx=b^n  →^(×z)  y^2 z−z^2 x=b^n z   (ii)  3)z^2 −xy=c^n  →^(×x)  xz^2 −x^2 y=c^n x  (iii)  (i)+(ii)+(iii)→c^n x+a^n y+b^n z=0   (iv)  if  1)→^(×z)   & 2)→^(×x)  & 3)→^(×y)   and  sum of obtined relation→ b^n x+c^n y+a^n z=0  (v)  a^n ×(iv)−b^n ×(v)→(a^n c^n −b^(2n) )x+(a^(2n) −b^n c^n )y=0  ⇒x=((a^(2n) −b^n c^n )/(b^(2n) −a^n c^n )) y   (vi)  c^n ×(iv)−a^n ×(v)→(c^(2n) −a^n b^n )x+(b^n c^n −a^(2n) )z=0  ⇒x=((a^(2n) −b^n c^n )/(a^n b^n −c^(2n) )) z    (vii)  (vi) & (vii) ⇒ (x/(a^(2n) −b^n c^n ))=(y/(b^(2n) −a^n c^n ))=(z/(a^n b^n −c^(2n) ))=λ  by subtituting  we get   λ^2 (a^(3n) +b^(3n) +c^(3n) −3a^n b^n c^n )=1  λ=((+_− 1)/( (√(a^(3n) +b^(3n) +c^(3n) −3a^n b^n c^n ))))  ∴ x= ((+_− (a^(2n) −b^n c^n ))/( (√(a^(3n) +b^(3n) +c^(3n) −3a^n b^n c^n ))))   , y=((+_− (b^(2n) −c^n a^n ))/( (√(a^(3n) +b^(3n) +c^(3n) −3a^n b^n c^n ))))  z= ((+_− (c^(2n) −a^n b^n ))/( (√(a^(3n) +b^(3n) +c^(3n) −3a^n b^n c^n ))))


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