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Question Number 193180 by BaliramKumar last updated on 06/Jun/23

If a + b = 1001 & HCF(a, b) = 13   then how many set of a & b.


Answered by Subhi last updated on 06/Jun/23

a = 13k  b = 13m  a+b = 1001 = 13(k+m)  k+m = 77  there are 78 pairs  (77,0),(76,1).............(1,76),(0,77)  there are restricrions when m and k are divisible by 11 or 7  m = 7l  k = 7n  k+m = 77 = 7(l+n)  l+n = 11  (l,n) = (10,1),(9,2),(8,3),(7,4),(6,5)........(1,10)  10 pairs  are excluded  (ii) m = 11g  k = 11h  k+m = 77 = 11(g+h)  g+h = 7  (g,h) = (6,1),(5,2),(4,3).....(1,6)  6 pairs are excluded  78−6−10 = 62


Commented by MM42 last updated on 06/Jun/23

there is no diffrence between the two numbers   a=1,b=76 and a=76 , b=1 and ...


Commented by Subhi last updated on 06/Jun/23

(1,76) is different to (76,1)  values of a and b  differ  ,but you are right that there restrictions for some values for a,b when factors k,m are divisible by 11 or 7


Commented by Subhi last updated on 06/Jun/23

Thank you for that point


Commented by BaliramKumar last updated on 07/Jun/23

Sir  0, 77⇒ 13×(0, 77) = (0, 1001)  HCF(0, 1001) = ?


Commented by MM42 last updated on 07/Jun/23

you are right


Answered by MM42 last updated on 07/Jun/23

a=13a′ &  b=13b′ ; (a′,b′)=1  ⇒13a′+13b′=1001⇒a′+b′=77  W={{a′,b′} :  a′+b′=77  , (a′,b′)=1}  S={{m,n} : m+n=77 }={{1,76},{2,75},...,{38,39}}⇒∣S ∣= 38  A={{m,n} : m+n=77 , (m,n)=7 }  ⇒A={{7,70},{14,63},{21,56},{28,49},{35,42}}⇒∣A∣= 5  B={{m,n} : m+n=77 , (m,n)=11 }  ⇒A={{11,66},{22,55},{33,44}}⇒∣B∣= 3  ⇒∣W∣=38−8=30


Answered by BaliramKumar last updated on 18/Nov/23

((φ(((1001)/(13))))/2) = ((φ(((7×11×13)/(13))))/2) = ((φ(7×11))/2)  ⇒ (((7−1)(11−1))/2) = ((6×10)/2) = 30 unordered pairs  ⇒ 60 ordered pairs


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