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Question Number 193182 by York12 last updated on 06/Jun/23

  (x^2 /(2^2 −1^2 ))+(y^2 /(2^2 −3^2 ))+(z^2 /(2^2 −5^2 ))+(w^2 /(2^2 −7^2 ))=1  (x^2 /(4^2 −1^2 ))+(y^2 /(4^2 −3^2 ))+(z^2 /(4^2 −5^2 ))+(w^2 /(4^2 −7^2 ))=1  (x^2 /(6^2 −1^2 ))+(y^2 /(6^2 −3^2 ))+(z^2 /(6^2 −5^2 ))+(w^2 /(6^2 −7^2 ))=1  (x^2 /(8^2 −1^2 ))+(y^2 /(8^2 −3^2 ))+(z^2 /(8^2 −5^2 ))+(w^2 /(8^2 −7^2 ))=1     find (x^2 +y^2 +z^2 +w^2 ).


Answered by York12 last updated on 06/Jun/23

  Let s takes the values (4 , 16 , 36 , 64)  ∴ (x^2 /(s−1))+(y^2 /(s−9))+(z^2 /(s−25))+(w^2 /(s−49))=1  ⇒ x^2 (s−9)(s−25)(s−49) + y^2 (s−1)(s−25)(s−49)+z^2 (s−1)(s−9)(s−49)+w^2 (s−1)(s−9)(s−25)=(s−1)(s−9)(s−25)(s−49)  ⇒x^2 (s−9)(s−25)(s−49) + y^2 (s−1)(s−25)(s−49)+z^2 (s−1)(s−9)(s−49)+w^2 (s−1)(s−9)(s−25)−(s−1)(s−9)(s−25)(s−49)=0  let the previous expression be a quartic  polynomial in s with leading coefficient of (−1)  and we know the values of s for which that  holds s ∈ { 4 , 16 , 36 , 64 }    Then :   x^2 (s−9)(s−25)(s−49) + y^2 (s−1)(s−25)(s−49)+z^2 (s−1)(s−9)(s−49)+w^2 (s−1)(s−9)(s−25)−(s−1)(s−9)(s−25)(s−49)=  −(s−4)(s−16)(s−36)(s−64) = f(s)  f(1)= −(3×15×35×63)=−x^2 (8×24×48)  ⇒x^2 =((3×15×35×63)/(8×24×48)) .......(i)  f(9)=(5×7×27×55)=y^2 (8×16×40)   ⇒ y^2 =(((5×7×27×55))/((8×16×40))) .......(ii)  f(25)=−(21×9×11×39)=−z^2 (24×16×24)  ⇒ z^2 =(((21×9×11×39))/((24×16×24)))......(iii)  f(49)=(45×33×13×15)=w^2 (48×40×24)  ⇒w^2 =(((45×33×13×15))/((48×40×24))) .......(iv)  (i)+(ii)+(iii)+(iv)= 36 ★


Commented by manxsol last updated on 06/Jun/23

dominio de f(s)={4,16,36,64}  evaluation={1,9,25,49}   how do you explanation?


Commented by York12 last updated on 07/Jun/23

{4,16,36,64} that is the solution set   for which f(s)=0  {1,9,25,49} those are just values I have   plugged them into the function to   eliminate x^2  , y^2  , z^2  , w^2   so that I can obtain their values


Commented by manxsol last updated on 07/Jun/23

thank for explanation.


Commented by York12 last updated on 07/Jun/23

you are welcome


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