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Question Number 193759 by Mastermind last updated on 19/Jun/23

Ques. 5        Prove that if a,b are any elements of  a   group (G, ∗), then the equation y∗a=b  has a unique solution in (G, ∗).    Ques. 6        a) Show that the set G of all non-zero   complex numbers, is a group under  multiplication of complex numbers.          b) Show that H={a∈G : a_1 ^2  + a_2 ^2  = 1},  where a_1  = Re a and a_2  = Im a is a   subgroup of G.


Answered by aleks041103 last updated on 19/Jun/23

  Q.5  (G,∗) is group⇒∀a∈G,∃a^(−1) ∈G: aa^(−1) =a^(−1) a=e  ⇒y∗a=b⇒y∗a∗a^(−1) =b∗a^(−1) ⇒y=b∗a^(−1)   which is obviously unique.  you can proceed also as follows:  suppose y_1 ≠y_2 ∈G, s.t.  y_1 ∗a=y_2 ∗a=b  since ∃a^(−1) ⇒y_1 ∗a∗a^(−1) =y_2 ∗a∗a^(−1) =b∗a^(−1)   ⇒y_1 =y_2  ⇒ contradiction  ⇒y is unique


Commented by Mastermind last updated on 20/Jun/23

Thank you my boss


Answered by Rajpurohith last updated on 19/Jun/23

Solution:− Let a,b∈G  (5)Suppose there are two solutions say y_1  & y_2   of the equation y∗a=b   ⇒y_1 ∗a=b & y_2 ∗a=b  ⇒y_1 ∗a=y_2 ∗a   since a is in a group, a^(−1)  exists.  ⇒(y_1 ∗a)∗a^(−1) =(y_2 ∗a)∗a^(−1)   ⇒By associativity y_1 =y_2  and we are done. ■  (6) (a) say (G, .)=(C−{0}, .) where ′.′ is multiplication  of complex numbers which is clearly a binary operation on C.  (i)For any z∈C−{0} , z_1 ∈C−{0}  be such that z.z_1 =z_1 .z=z  we get z_1 =1 which is the identity.  (ii)It is obvious that associativity holds.  (iii) for each z∈C−{0},z.((1/z))=((1/z)).z=1  hence the inverse of an element z equals ((1/z))  Hence (C−{0}, . ) forms a group. ■  (b) As per given  H={z∈C : ∣z∣=1}  clearly  H⊂C−{0}.  We shall use two step subgroup test  let z,w∈H  .  Whether z.w^(−1) ∈H?   ∣z.w^(−1) ∣=∣z∣.∣w^(−1) ∣=∣z∣.(1/(∣w∣))=1 (Why?)  Hence H is a subgroup of (C−{0}, .} ■


Commented by Mastermind last updated on 20/Jun/23

I do really appreciate it


Commented by Rajpurohith last updated on 21/Jun/23

Please do post Group theory questions,  I′m taking a course again in Abstract algebra,  It helps me too.


Commented by Mastermind last updated on 22/Jun/23

  Wow!  that′s good, i′ll be posting it


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