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Question Number 193794 by Rajpurohith last updated on 20/Jun/23

Let H be a subgroup of (R,+) such that H∩[−1,1]   contains a non zero element.  Prove that H is cyclic.


Answered by TheHoneyCat last updated on 28/Jun/23

  Sorry but I think you forgot some extra hypothesis...  In its current form, your problem can′t be solved.  It is very easy to see so by considering:  H=(R,+)  Its intersection with [−1,1] DOES contain a   non −zero element (say (π/4) or (1/2^n ) with n your  favorite integrer) however R is not cyclic.  To proove it consider x_0  the element that would  generate it.  Then ∀x∈R ∃n∈Z∣ x=nx_0   But ∄n∈Z∣ nx_0 =(x_0 /2)∈R  There are several possible alternative questions  you might have wanted to ask:    1)  H∩[−1,1] contains no non−zero element  2)  H∩[−1,1] contains finitely many elements    Here are quick proofs of the two alternatives  let x_0 =Inf H∩R_+ ^∗   Wether in case 1) or 2) if x_0  is not in H, then by  definition of Inf, we can construct a sequence  y_n ∈H ∣ y_(n  ) →_(n→∞) x_0   and y_n −y_(n+1) →0  Meaning H cannot be cyclic (supose it is generated  by z_0  then ∀x∈H ∃k∈Z∣ kz_0 =x but the  taking n such that 0<∣y_n −y_(n+1) ∣<∣z_0 ∣  y_n −y_(n+1) ∈H but ∄k∈Z∣kz_0 =x)  So x_0  is in H (i.e. x_0 =Min H∩R_+ ^∗ )    Let us now let us proove that H is cyclic.  let x∈H.  Let n be such that:  n∣x_0 ∣≤∣x∣<(n+1)∣x_0 ∣  Let y:=nx_0 −x∈H  By definition of x_0  it is not possible that   ∣y∣∈]0,∣x_0 ∣[  It is, by definition of n impossible that  ∣y∣∈[x_0 ,∞[  hence y=0  i.e. n∣x_0 ∣=∣x∣  i.e. ±nx_0 =x  hence ∃n∈Z∣x=nx_0   Wich concludes the proof_□


Commented by TheHoneyCat last updated on 28/Jun/23

just realized I made a typo. The reason why Inf=Min is not that it contradicts cyclicity but that it contradicts minimality... Sorry, I should have re-read myself.��

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