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Question Number 193804 by Mastermind last updated on 20/Jun/23

Ques. 6        Let (G, ∗) be a group. and let  C={c∈G : c∗a = a∗c ∀a∈G}. Prove  that C is subgroup of G. hence or   otherwise show that C is Abelian.    [Note C is called the center of group G]    Ques. 7       If (G, ∗) is a group such that (a∗b)^2    = a^2 ∗b^2  (multiplicatively) for all   a,b∈G. Show that G must be Abelian


Answered by Rajpurohith last updated on 20/Jun/23

  (7)I shall omit the notation ∗.  i.e, By ab I mean a∗b.  Given that (ab)^2 =a^2 b^2       ∀a,b∈G  ⇒(ab)(ab)=aabb                  ∀a,b∈G  ⇒abab=aabb                         ∀a,b∈G  ⇒a^(−1) (abab)b^(−1) =a^(−1) (aabb)b^(−1)    ∀a,b∈G  ⇒ba=ab    ∀ a,b∈G  ⇒G is Abelian.      ■


Commented by Mastermind last updated on 20/Jun/23

Thank you so much, God will bless you Inshallah


Answered by gatocomcirrose last updated on 20/Jun/23

Note that e∈C since e∗a=a∗e, ∀a∈G⇒C≠∅  Let x, y∈C,  ⇒x∗a=a∗x⇒a=x^(−1) ∗a∗x⇒a∗x^(−1) =x^(−1) ∗a, ∀a∈G  ⇒x^(−1) ∈G  (x∗y)∗a=x∗(y∗a)=x∗(a∗y)=(x∗a)∗y  =(a∗x)∗y=a∗(x∗y), ∀a∈G⇒x∗y ∈G    Then C<G (subgroup).    Let x,y∈C, since C<G∴x,y∈G  (x∈C)⇒x∗a=a∗x, ∀a∈G  for a=y∈G⇒x∗y=y∗x⇒C is abelian


Commented by Mastermind last updated on 20/Jun/23

Thank you my man


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