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Question Number 193883 by byaw last updated on 22/Jun/23

  If a 9000kg water flows in a minute through a pipe of cross sectional area 0.3m², what is the speed of water in the pipe?

If a 9000kg water flows in a minute through a pipe of cross sectional area 0.3m², what is the speed of water in the pipe?

Answered by Subhi last updated on 22/Jun/23

mass flow rate=(m/t)=((9000)/(60))=150 kg/s  (m/t) = ρAv = 1000×0.3v=300v=150  v = ((150)/(300))=(1/2) m/s


Commented by York12 last updated on 22/Jun/23

sir how can I reach you out


Commented by byaw last updated on 22/Jun/23

please how did you get the 1000 in 1000×0.3v ?  ρAv stands for?  v is velocity?  A is cross−section area?  ρ is pressure?


Commented by Subhi last updated on 22/Jun/23

ρ is the denisity  (m/t)=((ρv)/t)=((denisity×length×area)/(time))=denisity×area×velocity=ρAv


Commented by Subhi last updated on 22/Jun/23

I think you have discord  my user name is Ahmed subhi or Ahmed Subhi#5797  send me   N

IthinkyouhavediscordYou can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math modesendmeN

Commented by byaw last updated on 23/Jun/23

  A(-1, 2), B(3, 5) and C(4, 8) are the vertices of triangle ABC. Forces whose magnitudes are 5N and 3√10N act along (AB) ⃗ and (CB) ⃗ respectively. Find the direction of the resultant of the forces.    please help.

A(-1, 2), B(3, 5) and C(4, 8) are the vertices of triangle ABC. Forces whose magnitudes are 5N and 3√10N act along (AB) ⃗ and (CB) ⃗ respectively. Find the direction of the resultant of the forces. please help.

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