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Question Number 198647 by ajfour last updated on 22/Oct/23

Commented by ajfour last updated on 22/Oct/23

Q is center of smaller circle of  radius a. Find maximum area of   △ABC  in terms of a, b.


Answered by mr W last updated on 22/Oct/23

Commented by mr W last updated on 23/Oct/23

let μ=(b/a)  ((sin δ)/a)=((sin (α−δ))/b)=((sin α)/(PA))  ((sin α)/(tan δ))−cos α=(b/a)=μ  ⇒tan δ=((sin α)/(cos α+μ))  PA=((a sin α)/(sin δ))  Δ=((b^2  sin (β+γ))/2)+((b PA [sin (π+δ−β)+sin (π−δ−γ)])/2)  Δ=((b^2  sin (β+γ))/2)+((ba sin α [sin (β−δ)+sin (γ+δ)])/(2 sin δ))  Δ=((b^2  sin (β+γ))/2)+((ba sin α [sin β cos δ−cos β sin δ +sin γ cos δ+cos γ sin δ])/(2 sin δ))  Δ=((b^2  sin (β+γ))/2)+((ba sin α [(sin β+sin γ)cot δ−cos β +cos γ])/2)  Δ=((b^2  sin (β+γ))/2)+((ba sin α [(sin β+sin γ)((cos α+μ)/(sin α))−cos β +cos γ])/2)  Φ=((2Δ)/(ab))=μ sin (β+γ)+(sin β+sin γ)(cos α+μ)−sin α (cos β −cos γ)  such that area Δ is maximum,  (∂Φ/∂α)=(sin β+sin γ)(−sin α)−cos α (cos β−cos γ)=0  sin α (sin β+sin γ)+cos α (cos β−cos γ)=0   ...(iii)  ⇒tan α=((cos γ−cos β)/(sin β+sin γ))  (⇒this proves that QA⊥BC.)  (∂Φ/∂β)=μ cos (β+γ)+cos β (cos α+μ)+sin α sin β=0   ...(i)  (∂Φ/∂γ)=μ cos (β+γ)+cos γ (cos α+μ)−sin α sin γ=0   ...(ii)  (i)−(ii):  (cos β−cos γ) (cos α+μ)+sin α (sin β+sin γ)=0  μ(cos β−cos γ)+cos α (cos β−cos γ)+sin α (sin β+sin γ)=0  due to (iii):  μ(cos β−cos γ)=0  ⇒cos β=cos γ   ⇒β=γ   i.e. points B and C are symmetric about x−axis!  tan α=((cos γ−cos β)/(sin β+sin γ))=0  ⇒α=0  i.e. point A lies on x−axis!  insert into (i):  μ cos 2β+cos β (1+μ)=0  μ(2 cos^2 β−1)+cos β (1+μ)=0  2μ cos^2 β+(1+μ) cos β−μ=0  ⇒cos β=((−(1+μ)+(√(9μ^2 +2μ+1)))/(4μ))  i.e. cos β=((−(a+b)+(√(a^2 +9b^2 +2ab)))/(4b))  ■


Answered by mr W last updated on 23/Oct/23

for the triangle with maximum area  the tangents at the vertexes are   parallel to the coresponding opposite  sides.  due to symmetry, this triangle must  be symmetric about the x−axis.  that means following red triangle  has maximum area.


Commented by mr W last updated on 23/Oct/23

b cos θ=(b sin θ+b+a) tan θ  b(1−sin^2  θ)=(b sin θ+b+a) sin θ  2b sin^2  θ+(a+b) sin θ−b=0  ⇒sin θ=((−(a+b)+(√(a^2 +9b^2 +2ab)))/(4b))  A_(max) =(b sin θ+b+a)b cos θ      =(((3a+3b+(√(a^2 +9b^2 +2ab)))(√(2(a+3b)(b−a)+2(a+b)(√(a^2 +9b^2 +2ab)))))/(16))


Commented by ajfour last updated on 22/Oct/23

Commented by mr W last updated on 23/Oct/23

Commented by ajfour last updated on 22/Oct/23

Sir, which (△ or △) seems to be of  greater area?


Commented by mr W last updated on 23/Oct/23

actually i just believe that the  maximum triangle must also be  symmetric about x−axis, but it′s not  proved.


Commented by mr W last updated on 22/Oct/23

Commented by ajfour last updated on 22/Oct/23

ha ha, guess m not in my senses, thanks  for everything! i will follow ur sol^n  till   finish.


Commented by mr W last updated on 23/Oct/23

my hypothesis above is now proved,  see generall method below.   please help checking if i made any   mistakes. thank you!


Commented by ajfour last updated on 23/Oct/23

Thanks sir. You were correct indeed, and very detailed everything you still present.

Answered by ajfour last updated on 23/Oct/23

Commented by ajfour last updated on 23/Oct/23

△=(1/2)(2bcos θ)(bsin θ+bsin φ+acos δ)  (∂△/∂δ)=−bcos θsin δ=0  clearly we choose δ=0   as  (a<b)  (∂△/∂φ)=bcos θ(bcos φ)=0  ⇒  φ=(π/2)  (∂△/∂θ)=bcos θ(bcos θ+0)          −bsin θ(bsin θ+bsin φ+acos δ)=0  now since  δ=0  , and φ=(π/2)  we get  b^2 cos^2 θ=bsin θ(bsin θ+a+b)  cos^2 θ=sin θ(sin θ+1+(a/b))  ⇒  2sin^2 θ+(1+(a/b))sin θ−1=0  sin θ  is obtained from here. Now  △=b^2 cos θ(sin θ+1+(a/b))


Commented by mr W last updated on 23/Oct/23


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