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Question Number 198975 by mr W last updated on 26/Oct/23

60 students of a school must take  at least one of the three courses for  mathematics, physics and chemistry  respectively.  if a student is randomly picked, what  is the probability that he/she takes  only one course?


Commented by deleteduser1 last updated on 26/Oct/23

Do you have an answer to the question?


Commented by necx122 last updated on 26/Oct/23

It's funny, Mr. W posts a question and no one gives an attempt or can solve��. As for me, I'm trying but not up to the task at the moment.

Commented by deleteduser1 last updated on 26/Oct/23

Is the information sufficient?  60 students take atleast one of the courses  ⇒∣PuBuC∣=60?Is this what the question implies?


Commented by mr W last updated on 26/Oct/23

each of the 60 students takes at least  one course.


Commented by mr W last updated on 26/Oct/23

no sir. i′m still thinking about it.


Commented by deleteduser1 last updated on 26/Oct/23

I guess the information provided is not  sufficient to get an answer


Commented by mr W last updated on 27/Oct/23

i agree with you. no solution!


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