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Question Number 199353 by mr W last updated on 01/Nov/23

What is the probability that in a class   of 18 people, there exists exactly a   group of exactly 3 people born on the  same day of the week?


Commented by nikif99 last updated on 03/Nov/23

My approach:  From theory: distributions of n  elements in c cells (with 0 elements  allowed) =C_n ^(n+c−1) =C_(18) ^(18+7−1) =134596  From programming: cases of only one  group of only 3 persons=51646  (cases of one or more groups of only  3 persons=77105).  ⇒ p%=51646/134596=38.37%


Commented by deleteduser1 last updated on 03/Nov/23

The total number of distribution of 18 people  into 7 days is 7^(18) .  Each person can be born in one of 7 days  So,7×7×7×7...×7(18times)=7^(18)


Commented by deleteduser1 last updated on 03/Nov/23

So,if your program were to be right,the correct  answer may be ((51646)/7^(18) )


Commented by nikif99 last updated on 03/Nov/23

You are right. The formula I used  refers to non distinctif elements.  For distinctif elements is c^n .


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