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Question Number 201439 by Red1ight last updated on 06/Dec/23

    There is a field. Everyday kids throw some balls on the field. At night the farmer goes and place the bucket in a place where it will contain the most amount of balls.  the field can be represented as a line of length 10. the bucket can be represented as a line of length 2.  If the kids have thrown 3 balls into the field, what is the probability that the bucket will contain 2 balls  how a sample looks like          Where the blue line represents the field. and the red line represents the bucket. and the dots are the balls

There is a field. Everyday kids throw some balls on the field. At night the farmer goes and place the bucket in a place where it will contain the most amount of balls. the field can be represented as a line of length 10. the bucket can be represented as a line of length 2. If the kids have thrown 3 balls into the field, what is the probability that the bucket will contain 2 balls howasamplelookslikeWhere the blue line represents the field. and the red line represents the bucket. and the dots are the balls

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