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Question Number 201629 by ali009 last updated on 09/Dec/23

Commented by ali009 last updated on 09/Dec/23

how is that cslculated?


Commented by aleks041103 last updated on 09/Dec/23

As far as I can tell this is an electrical  engeneering problem.  In EE they use j instead of i for the   imaginary unit (√(−1)).  Otherwise it is simple division of complex  numbers.  The most ′difficult′ part here is taking  the squareroot of a complex number.  Generally we use the polar form in such  cases.  z=a+bj=re^(jθ)   where r=(√(a^2 +b^2 )) and θ=arctan(b/a).  Then  (√(a+bj))=(√(re^(jθ) ))=(√r)e^(jθ/2)   Now using Euler′s formula  (√(a+bj))=(√r)(cos(θ/2)+isin(θ/2))=  =(√r)cos(θ/2)+i(√r)sin(θ/2)  where again r=(√(a^2 +b^2 )) and θ=arctan(b/a).    The rest is just crunching the numbers.


Commented by ali009 last updated on 10/Dec/23

thank you so much and right this is  communication engenniring problem


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