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Question Number 202056 by mr W last updated on 19/Dec/23

Commented by mr W last updated on 19/Dec/23

the lake with center at O has a radius  r (r=1 km). the shortest distances   from the villages A and B to the   lake are a and b respectively (a=4 km,  b=2 km). a pump station should be  build at C to supply the villages  with water. find the minimum  length of pipes for this project.  (θ=60°).


Commented by a.lgnaoui last updated on 19/Dec/23

Commented by a.lgnaoui last updated on 19/Dec/23

ΔOAB       AB^2 =OA^2 +OB^2 −2OA.OBcos 60  =25+9−15=34−15=19  ⇒AB=(√(19))   AB^2 =AC^2 +CB^2      (∡ACB=90)  [Courte distance entre A B]  ΔOAC         ∡DOC=x   AC^2 =OC^2 +AD^2 −2.OC.ADcos x          =26−10cos x  ⇒  AC=(√(26−10cos x))    ΔzOBC     BC^2 =OC^2 +OB^2 −2.OC.OBcos (60−x)  =10−6(cos 60cos x+sin 60sin x)  =10−3(cos x+(√3) sin x)     BC=(√(10−3(cos x+(√3) sin x)))       AC^2 +BC^2 =AB^2   19= 26−10cos x+10−3cos x−3(√3) sin x  13cos x+3(√3) sin x−36=−19    13cos x+3(√3) sin x−17=0  posonz  z=cos x  13z+3(√(3−3z^2 ))−17=0  (√(3−3z^2  )) =(((17−13 z)/9))^2   27−27z^2 =17^2 +169z^2 −442z  169z^2 −442z+262=0      z=cos x=0,90   ⇒    x=24,77°     Longeur  minimale est    L=AC+BC=   AC=( (√(26−10cos 24,77)) )  =4,113396       BC=((√(10−3(cos 24,77+(√3) sin 24,77)) )         =2,258083  L=4,113396+2,258083       L=6,371 Km


Commented by mr W last updated on 19/Dec/23

wrong!  there is no reason why ∠ACB   should be 90°.


Commented by Frix last updated on 19/Dec/23

I don′t think we can get an exact solution.  I get ≈6.354km with ∡COB=32.485°


Commented by mr W last updated on 19/Dec/23

agree!  l_(min) ≈6.35405 km


Commented by mr W last updated on 19/Dec/23

Commented by a.lgnaoui last updated on 19/Dec/23

((d(AB+BC))/dx)=0  d((√(26−10cos x)) )/dx+  d((√(10−3(cos x+(√3) sin x)) )/dx   =0  soit  ((10sin x)/(2(√(36−10cos x))))+((3((√3)cos x−sin x))/(2(√(10−3(cos x+(√3) sin x)))))=0  resolutiin de l equatiin   Soit c  valeur de x cherche   { ((sin c=h)),((cos c=k)) :}  Alors   (AB+BC)=  (√(26−10k)) +(√(10−3(k+(√3) h))   (I think that this methode can resolve  the probleme)


Commented by mr W last updated on 19/Dec/23

yes, this is a right approach.


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