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Question Number 204157 by esmaeil last updated on 07/Feb/24

hello frinds  I have a question  when the most accurate math sofward  it solves the most complex math  problems .what is the need for us  to spend hours to solve that?  (Ofcourse i myself love math)  (sorry i′m bad in english)


Commented by deleteduser1 last updated on 07/Feb/24

Humans have not stopped playing chess because  some softwares(programmed by humans) can  play chess better neither have humans stopped  running because cars(built by humans) can  run faster than humans.  These “complex” maths problems that can be  solved by these softwares(programmed by humans)  are highly computational and the computers  just follow algorithms. These softwares could  struggle with simple word and geometry   problems because there are varieties of them   which do not have “standard” algorithms but   they would be very good at “complex”calculus/  algebra problems since they are highly   computational.  Also,most times, the end goal is not always the  answer but the process of getting the answer.  One wouldn′t learn anything by just looking at  answers provided by softwares. So,to gain that  understanding,you must also learn how to  solve some questions yourself..   There are thousands of open problems in   mathematics that won′t be solved by computers only.  So,the humans that would solve them must also  have a sufficient understanding of mathematics  which was gained by practice.


Commented by esmaeil last updated on 07/Feb/24

thanks a lot.


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