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Question Number 205559 by mnjuly1970 last updated on 24/Mar/24

     Question. (math analysis)    (X ,d ) is a metric space and    (p_n )_(n=1) ^∞  is a sequence in X.     (p_n )_(n=1) ^( ∞) is cauchy if and  only if     lim_(N→∞) diam (E_N )=0.    where , E_N  = { p_N  , p_(N+1)  , ...}    diam E:=sup{d(x,y)∣x,y ∈E }


Answered by Berbere last updated on 24/Mar/24

dim(E)=sup d(x_i ,x_j );(x_i ,x_j )∈E^2   Let p_(n )  a cauchy sequence⇒∀ε>0 ∃N∈N ∣∀k,m≥0  d(P_(N+k) ,P_(N+m) )≤ε......1  E_N {P_N ,P_(N+1) ,.......};let S_N =sup (d(x,y)∣(x,y)∈E_N ^2 )  S_N ∈R since  P_N  is cauchy Sequence ∃a>0 ⇒d(P_k ,P_l )<a  ∀(k,l)∈N^2   if N_1 >N_2 ⇒E_N_2  ⊂E_N_1  ⇒S_N_2  <S_N_1    S_(N )  decrease biunded Sequence  ⇒Diam(E_N ) Cv  1...⇒∀ε≥0    ∃N ∈N ∣ diam(E_N )<ε  lim_(N→∞)  diam(E_N )=a∈R_+   a<diam(E_N )  (E_N  decrease)⇒∀ε>0 0≤ a<ε  ∀n>0  0≤a≤(1/n)⇒a∈∩^(n∈N^∗ ) [0,(1/n)]={0}  ⇒lim_(n→∞)  diam(E_N )=0


Commented by mnjuly1970 last updated on 24/Mar/24

thanks alot sir ...


Commented by Berbere last updated on 24/Mar/24

Withe Pleasur


Answered by aleks041103 last updated on 04/Apr/24

Let a_N =diam({p_k }_(k=N) ^∞ ).  We are asked to prove  {p_k }_(k=1) ^∞  is Cauchy ⇔ lim_(N→∞)  a_N  = 0    1. Cauchy ⇒ a_N →0  Cauchy ⇒ ∀ε>0,∃M:d(p_m ,p_n )<ε/2, ∀m,n>M  ⇒a_M =diam({p_k }_(k=M+1) ^∞ )=sup{d(p_m ,p_n )∣m,n>M}≤ε/2<ε  it is easy to see that a_n >0 is decreasing  ⇒∀m≥M, 0<a_m ≤a_M <ε, i.e. ∣a_m ∣<ε  ⇒∀ε>0,∃M:∣a_m −0∣<ε, ∀m>M  ⇒lim_(N→∞)  a_N =0    2.a_n → 0 ⇒ Cauchy  a_N → 0 (a_N >0)⇒ ∀ε>0, ∃M: a_N <ε, ∀N≥M  ⇒a_M =sup_(m,n≥M)  d(p_m ,p_n ) < ε  ⇒d(p_m ,p_n )<ε, ∀m,n>M  ⇒∀ε>0,∃M:d(p_m ,p_n )<ε, ∀m,n>M  ⇒Cauchy


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