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Question Number 205849 by Davidtim last updated on 31/Mar/24

if a^a =b^b   ; a=b  is it true?  if it is true then prove it.


Commented by mr W last updated on 31/Mar/24

not true for 0<a, b<1.  example:  a, b=((ln 0.8)/(W(ln 0.8)))≈ { ((0.094649710865)),((0.739533650011)) :}  0.094649710865^(0.094649710865)   =0.739533650011^(0.739533650011)   =0.8


Commented by Davidtim last updated on 01/Apr/24

please check the above exp.


Commented by Davidtim last updated on 01/Apr/24

Commented by mr W last updated on 01/Apr/24

if ((x/3))^(x/3) =3^3  ⇒(x/3)=3 ⇒x=9  this is true, since 3^3 >1.    but  if ((x/3))^(x/3) =(0.8)^(0.8)  ⇒(x/3)=0.8 ⇒x=2.4  this is not very true! since 1/(e)^(1/e) <0.8^(0.8) <1.   the correct solution is:  ((x/3))^(x/3) =(0.8)^(0.8)    ⇒(x/3)=((0.8 ln 0.8)/(W(0.8 ln 0.8)))  ⇒x=((2.4 ln 0.8)/(W(0.8 ln 0.8)))= { ((≈((2.4 ln 0.8)/(−2.72587187))=0.196467)),((≈((2.4 ln 0.8)/(−0.22314355))=2.4)) :}


Commented by mr W last updated on 01/Apr/24

Commented by mr W last updated on 01/Apr/24

if x^x ≥1 ⇒there is only one solution for x.  if (1/( (e)^(1/e) ))<x^x <1 ⇒there are two solutions for x.  if x^x =(1/( (e)^(1/e) )) ⇒there is only one solution for x.  if x^x <(1/( (e)^(1/e) )) ⇒there is no solution for x.


Commented by Davidtim last updated on 01/Apr/24

thanks you are an exceptional of   science.  would you mind to prove the all of   three forms?


Commented by mr W last updated on 01/Apr/24

y=x^x =e^(xln x) >0  y′=e^(xln x) (ln x+1)=x^x (ln x+1)  y′=0: ln x+1=0 ⇒x=(1/e)  that means:  if x>(1/e),y′>0 ⇒y=x^x  is strictly increasing  if 0<x<(1/e),y′<0 ⇒y=x^x  is strictly decreasing  at x=(1/e), y_(min) =(1/( (e)^(1/e) ))


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