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Question Number 205971 by mnjuly1970 last updated on 03/Apr/24

              9  Mathematical    Analysis ( I )    (X , d ) is a metric space and            { p_n }_(n=1) ^∞ is a sequence in X        such that , p_n →^(convergent)  p . If , K= {p_n }_(n=1) ^∞ ∪ { p } then       prove  K , is compact in X .


Commented by aleks041103 last updated on 03/Apr/24

I suppose you meant  K={p_k }_(k=1) ^∞ ∪{p}


Answered by aleks041103 last updated on 03/Apr/24

If K={p}∪{p_k }_(k=1) ^∞  then the proof is as  follows:  Let O be any open cover of K.  p∈K⇒∃V∈O:p∈V   {: ((V is open)),((p∈V)),((p_k →p)) } ⇒ ∃N∈N: ∀k>N, p_k ∈V  For ∀k=1,...,N, ∃U_k ∈O: p_k ∈U_k , since  O is a cover of K (and p_k ∈K).  Therefore if O′={U_1 ,...,U_N ,V}⊆O,  then by the above construction,  O′ is a finite open subcover of K.    ⇒ K is compact.


Commented by Frix last updated on 04/Apr/24

I am he as you are he and you are me and  we are all together [John Lennon 1967]


Commented by mnjuly1970 last updated on 03/Apr/24

  thanks alot sir Frix


Commented by aleks041103 last updated on 03/Apr/24

No problem.  Bit I′m not Mr Frix, although I feel flattered  to be compared to him  ;)


Commented by mnjuly1970 last updated on 04/Apr/24

    thank you so much sir aleks.       I am so sorry sir... ⋛


Commented by mnjuly1970 last updated on 04/Apr/24


Answered by Berbere last updated on 04/Apr/24

let u(n)∈N^K   lets show That ∃ϕ N→N increading  such That U_(ϕ(n))  cv  1 if  n Tack finit value  Ther exist N  such That ∀n∈N  U_n ∈{U_1 ,......,U_N };U_1 ,U_2 ,...U_N   So exist U_(1≤m≤N)  That appair infinity times  ϕ N→N  ϕ(n)=  eithe n is defind by  { ((ϕ(1)=m)),((ϕ(n+1)={inf n∈N ∣ϕ(n+1)>ϕ(n)&U_(ϕ(n+1)) =U_m )) :}  ϕ exist since  U_m  repet infinity times  ∀n∈N U_(ϕ(n)) =U_m  cv  if U_n  Tack infinity value  we defind ϕ by  ϕ(1)=U_1 =p_n_1    u_n =p_(v(n))   ϕ(n+1)=inf(m∈N∣ m>ϕ(n),v_m >v_(ϕ(n)) }  ϕ is while definde since u_n  Tack infinity value of p  we canstrant {p_(v(1)) ,p_(v(2)) ....P_(v(n)) ...}  sinc p_n  Cv U_(ϕ(n))  cv  so evrey sequence Hase a sub sequence?Cv  K is compact Sorry for my english


Commented by mnjuly1970 last updated on 05/Apr/24

thank you so much sir


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