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Question Number 206212 by cortano21 last updated on 09/Apr/24

Commented by Frix last updated on 09/Apr/24

f′(0)=c which is independent of a


Commented by TheHoneyCat last updated on 10/Apr/24

Really? So if d=c=b=0, the maximum value of a is 0? and not 1/3? hum...��

Commented by Frix last updated on 10/Apr/24

I only stated what I stated.


Commented by TheHoneyCat last updated on 10/Apr/24

Ok, apology. I thought you meant f'(0)=c "is the maximum value of a"... ��

Answered by TheHoneyCat last updated on 10/Apr/24

f(x)=ax^3 +bx^2 +cx+d  f ′(x)=3ax^2 +2bx+c is an order two polynomial  It has an inflexion at :  x_0 :=((−b)/(3a))    if x_0 :=∉ ]0,1[, this function is monotonous.  it reaches its extrema at the edges  so those mxima are:  f ′(0)=c   and  f ′(1)=3a+2b+c  so an equivalent requirement to ∣f ′∣ is:  ∣c∣≤1 & ∣3a+2b+c∣≤1    if, however x_0 ∈]0,1[ the function is not monotonous.  but it is on [0,x_0 ] and [x_0 ,1] so we get the   folowing maxima:  f ′(0)=c  and f ′(x_0 )=(−/(18))(b^2 /a)  and f ′(1)=3a+2b+c  so an equivalent condition will be:  ∣c∣≤1 & b^2 ≤18∣a∣ &∣3a+2b+c∣≤1    To make things more simple, I will assume a≥0.  a<0 is messy especially because it can  lead to the maximum beeing a=0...  But if you want it, repost the question and I′ll  do it.  So (summerizing) either way, we have the  folowing equivalence:  ∣f ′(x)∣≤1  ⇔ ( ((−b)/(3a))∉[0,1] & ∣c∣≤1 & ∣3a+2b+c∣≤1)         or (((−b)/(3a))∈[0,1] & ∣c∣≤1 & ∣3a+2b+c∣≤1 & b^2 ≤18∣a∣)  ⇔∣c∣≤1 & ∣3a+2b+c∣≤1 &[(((−b)/(3a))∉[0,1]) or (((−b)/(3a))∈[0,1] & b^2 ≤18∣a∣)]  ⇔∣c∣≤1 & ∣3a+2b+c∣≤1 &[(((−b)/(3a))∉[0,1]) or b^2 ≤18∣a∣]  ⇔∣c∣≤1 & ∣3a+2b+c∣≤1 &[((−b)/(3a))≤0 or 1≤((−b)/(3a)) or b^2 ≤18∣a∣]  ⇔∣c∣≤1 & ∣3a+2b+c∣≤1 &[0≤b or (3a+b)≤0 or b^2 ≤18a]    This (last line) is the exact requirement  on the coeficients to have ∣f ′(x)∣≤1 over [0,1]  So we are simply looking for the biggest a verifying  these.  Notice that the part “∣c∣≤1” just does not  involve a...  Let us split the cases of the last term.    if 0≤b the only constraint on a is:  ∣3a+2b+c∣≤1  ⇔3a+2b+c∈[−1,1]  ⇔3a∈[−(2b+c+1),1−2b−c]  ⇔a∈[−(2b+c+1)/3,(1−2b−c)/3]  so if 2b+c<1 then the max  value of a will be  ((1−2b−c)/3)  (if 2b+c>1 we just don′t get an a from this  part of the formula)        If 3a+b≤0 ⇔a∈[0,−b/3]  (so b has to be negtive)  reusing previous computations we know:  a∈[((−2b−c−1)/3),((−2b−c+1)/3)]  if 2b+c<1 we get that the max value of  a is Min{−b/3, (−2b−c+1)/3}  =((−2b)/3)+Min{b/3,(1−c)/3}  Since ∣c∣≤1 in every case, and in the current  case b≤0, it is obvious that we get:  ((1−2b−c)/3) again.  Last but not least b^2 ≤18a does not constraint  the maximal value of a. So if it exist in the case of  this inequality, the maximum also has to be  ((1−2b−c)/3) again.      To conclude, in the case of the requirement  a>0 the maximal value that can be taken by  a while ∣f ′(x)∣≤1 on [0,1] is:  a_(Max) := ((1−2b−c)/3)  of course, if 2b+c≥1 that will break a>0.  This conclude the discussion. _□


Answered by Frix last updated on 10/Apr/24

f′(x)=g(x)=3ax^2 +2bx+c  a → max ⇒ a>0 ⇒  g(x) has an absolute min at x_0 =−(b/(3a))    Case 1: −(b/(3a))∉]0, 1[  To get the steepest possible parabola let  g(0)=−1∧g(1)=1 ( _(the same a)^(g(0)=1∧g(1)=−1 leads to) )  ⇒  b=1−((3a)/2)∧c=−1 ⇒ x_0 =(1/2)−(1/(3a))  x_0 ≤0∨1≤x_0  ⇒ a≤(2/3)  witb a=(2/3)  g(x)=f′(x)=2x^2 −1 (or 2x^2 −4x+1)    Case 2: −(b/(3a))∈]0, 1[  a>0⇒b<0  g(−(b/(3a)))=−1∧g(1)=1 ()  ⇒  b=(√(6a))−3a∧c=3a−2(√(6a))+1 ⇒ x_0 =1−((√2)/( (√(3a))))  0<x_0 <1 ⇒ a>(2/3)  g(1)=1 ⇒ −1≤g(0)≤1  g(0)=c ⇒ −1≤3a−2(√(6a))+1≤1  ⇒ 0≤a≤(8/3)  ⇒ a_(max) =(8/3)  g(x)=f′(x)=8x^2 −8x+1


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