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Question Number 206311 by TheHoneyCat last updated on 11/Apr/24

Hi everyone...  This is not a question per say (sorry ′bout  that). It′s just that for past 4 years, to type  math messages to my friends (text messages)  I′ve been painfully using the two most famous  android ones (matheditor and dxmath).  And I was thinking, I realised how typing  on this app on android (matheditor) is so  much more practical.    So if any one here knows how to code, I would  love to see an android−keyboard adaptation  (only with the unicode charters on this  keyboard that is... and with the extra  ^(1234567890−+×()inx)  _(1234567890inx)  unicode ones  that might come in handy once we can′t use  proper indexation)    I would personnaly be ready to pay for it.  And I would be intersted to know if anyone  of you would be too.    I don′t think it would be very hard to do...  I am ready to help if I can. I don′t know how  to make an android app, but being a  mathematician and a physicist, I′m sure  I can make myself usefull...


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