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Question Number 206339 by mnjuly1970 last updated on 12/Apr/24

       E ⊆ Y ⊆ ( X , d )∣_(metric space)       prove  E is open in Y if and  only if         ∃ G (open set ) in X  such that           E = G ∩ Y   .... (mathematical analysis (I))


Answered by Berbere last updated on 13/Apr/24

E=G∩Y  G let a∈E;a∈G since G is open in X  ∃ O∈X opene such that a∈O ⊂G   O∩Y is open in Y since Y sub[space of (X,d) induit Topolopgiep  (O∩Y)⊂(G∩Y)=E open in Y   Suppose E is opened in Y  E=∪_(e∈E) {e}    ∀e ∃ O_e  open in Y such That e∈O_e ⊂E  O_e =O_e ′∩Y ,O′_e  open in X  G=∪_e O′_e  opene in (X,d)  ∀e  O′_e  ∩Y =O_e  open in Y  G ∩Y is open in Y ⇒G=∪_(e∈E) O′_e  worcks


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