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Question Number 206367 by hardmath last updated on 12/Apr/24

Find:  (1/6)  +  (1/(24))  +  (1/(60))  + ... + ...  (1/(720)) = ?


Commented by TheHoneyCat last updated on 12/Apr/24

Can you please explain what the "..." are?

Commented by TonyCWX08 last updated on 13/Apr/24

Can you give until the fourth term???  Or at least give me the number of terms???


Answered by mr W last updated on 13/Apr/24

T_k =(1/(k(k+1)(k+2))) with k=1, 2, 3, ..., 8  to sum up 8 terms you can use your  calculator:  (1/6)+(1/(24))+(1/(60))+(1/(120))+(1/(210))+(1/(336))+(1/(504))+(1/(720))=((11)/(45))    it′s more challenging to find  Σ_(k=1) ^n (1/(k(k+1)(k+2)))=?


Commented by mr W last updated on 13/Apr/24

solution:  (1/(k(k+1)(k+2)))=(A/(k(k+1)))+(B/((k+1)(k+2)))  1=A(k+2)+Bk  2A=1 ⇒A=(1/2)  A+B=0 ⇒B=−(1/2)  Σ_(k=1) ^n (1/(k(k+1)(k+2)))  =(1/2)Σ_(k=1) ^n ((1/(k(k+1)))−(1/((k+1)(k+2))))  =(1/2)((1/(1×2))−(1/((n+1)(n+2))))  =((n(n+3))/(4(n+1)(n+2)))  with n=8:   ((11)/(45))


Commented by hardmath last updated on 13/Apr/24

cool dear professor thank you


Answered by MATHEMATICSAM last updated on 13/Apr/24

We can see each term in terms of n is  (1/(n^3  − n)) = (1/2) × (2/(n(n + 1)(n − 1)))  = (1/2) × (((n + 1)−(n − 1))/(n(n + 1)(n − 1)))  = (1/2) [(1/((n − 1)n)) − (1/(n(n + 1)))]  where n = 2, 3, 4,..., 9 respectively.  (1/6) + (1/(24)) + (1/(60)) + .... + (1/(720))  = (1/2) [(1/(1 × 2)) − (1/(2 × 3)) + (1/(2 × 3)) − (1/(3 × 4)) + (1/(3 × 4)) − (1/(4 × 5)) + ..... + (1/(8 × 9)) − (1/(9 × 10))]  = (1/2)[(1/2) − (1/(90))]  = (1/2) × ((44)/(90)) = ((11)/(45)) (Ans)


Answered by BaliramKumar last updated on 13/Apr/24

(1/(1×2×3))  +  (1/(2×3×4))  +  (1/(3×4×5))  + ... ... + (1/(8×9×10)) = ?            d = 3−1=4−2= 5−3 = 2  (1/d)[(1/(1×2)) − (1/(9×10))]  (1/2)[(1/(1×2)) − (1/(9×10))] = (1/2)[((44)/(90))] = ((11)/(45))


Answered by Frix last updated on 13/Apr/24

I know...  but this is also a valid answer:  f(x)=y=c_3 x^3 +c_2 x^2 +c_1 x+d  We have  x=1∧y=(1/6)  x=2∧y=(1/(24))  x=3∧y=(1/(60))  and since we don′t know the number of  elements between (1/(60)) and (1/(720))  x=n∧y=(1/(720))  which leads to  f(x)=−((36n^2 −198n+281)/(720(n−3)(n−2)(n−1)))x^3 +       +((6n^3 −132n+245)/(120(n−3)(n−2)(n−1)))x^2 −       −((11(18n^3 −72n^2 +173))/(720(n−3)(n−2)(n−1)))x+       +((47n^3 −246n^2 +319n−1)/(120(n−3)(n−2)(n−1)))  ⇒  Σ_(x=1) ^n  f(x) =((n(12n^2 −126n+475))/(2880))      If we use (1/(f(x)))=ax^3 +bx^2 +cx+d with the  same data we get  (1/(f(x)))=−((3(3n^2 −3n−238))/((n−3)(n−2)(n−1)))x^3 +       +((9(n^3 +5n−482))/((n−3)(n−2)(n−1)))x^2 −       −((3(3n^3 +15n^2 −2636))/((n−3)(n−2)(n−1)))x+       +((6(n−8)(n^2 +11n+90))/((n−3)(n−2)(n−1)))  and the sum Σ_(x=1) ^n  f(x) cannot be expressed  in a closed form.  Anyway for n=8 we get tbe nice f(x) my  fellows here stumbled upon.


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