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Question Number 207943 by hardmath last updated on 31/May/24

Find:  lim_(x→2^− )  (((x + 2)∙(x + 1))/(∣x + 2∣))  =  ?


Commented by mr W last updated on 31/May/24



Commented by mr W last updated on 01/Jun/24

f(2) exists. so lim_(x→2) f(x)=f(2).


Commented by hardmath last updated on 01/Jun/24

  Dear professor, could you please explain

Dear professor, could you please explain

Commented by mr W last updated on 01/Jun/24

maybe you wanted to ask  lim_(x→−2^− )  (((x + 2)∙(x + 1))/(∣x + 2∣))  =  ?


Commented by hardmath last updated on 01/Jun/24

Dear professor...  lim_(x→2^− )  ((x^4  − 16)/(∣x−2∣)) = ?


Commented by hardmath last updated on 01/Jun/24

  Right limit and left limit

Right limit and left limit

Commented by mr W last updated on 01/Jun/24

x→2^−  mean x<2, i.e. ∣x−2∣=2−x  lim_(x→2^− ) ((x^4 −16)/(∣x−2∣))  =lim_(x→2^− ) (((x−2)(x+2)(x^2 +4))/(2−x))  =lim_(x→2^− ) (((x+2)(x^2 +4))/(−1))  =(((2+2)(2^2 +4))/(−1))=−32


Commented by hardmath last updated on 01/Jun/24

thank you dear professor


Commented by hardmath last updated on 01/Jun/24

but dear pfofessor    Why not -x-2 from the module for x<2 in the above exercise

butdearpfofessorWhy not -x-2 from the module for x<2 in the above exercise

Commented by mr W last updated on 01/Jun/24

∣x−2∣=x−2 if x>2  ∣x−2∣=−(x−2)=2−x if x<2


Commented by hardmath last updated on 02/Jun/24

thank you dear professor


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