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Question Number 208282 by hardmath last updated on 10/Jun/24

If   cosα−cosβ = (1/5) sinα + sinβ = (1/2)  Find   cos(α + β) = ?


Commented by mr W last updated on 12/Jun/24

what you wrote means  cosα−cosβ =(1/2)  (1/5) sinα + sinβ = (1/2)  but actually you meant  cosα−cosβ = (1/5)  sinα + sinβ = (1/2)  they are very different questions!  it′s misleading!  can you please pay more attention?


Commented by Frix last updated on 10/Jun/24

I solved both versions but one gives no  useable exact result, thus I think the  other one was meant.


Answered by Frix last updated on 10/Jun/24

cos (α+β) =cos α cos β −sin α sin β  (cos α −cos β =(1/5))^2  ⇒       cos α cos β =((cos^2  α +cos^2  β)/2)−(1/(50))  (sin α +sin β =(1/2))^2  ⇒       sin α sin β =(1/8)−((sin^2  α +sin^2  β)/2)  ⇒  cos (α+β) =((171)/(200))


Commented by efronzo1 last updated on 10/Jun/24

 cos α−cos β=(1/2)


Commented by hardmath last updated on 10/Jun/24

yes dear professor thank you


Commented by hardmath last updated on 10/Jun/24

answer: 171/200


Commented by efronzo1 last updated on 10/Jun/24

Commented by Frix last updated on 10/Jun/24

Then solve it if you can!


Commented by efronzo1 last updated on 11/Jun/24

read the original question   cos α−cos β=(1/5)sin α+sin β=(1/2)   but your cos α−cos β=(1/5)   and sin α+sin β=(1/2)


Commented by mr W last updated on 11/Jun/24

the confusion was caused by   hardmath sir through his   misleading writing of the question.


Commented by Frix last updated on 11/Jun/24

@efronzo1: As I wrote before I also solved this one but it gives no useable exact result, we can only approximate it. So I decided that the other version with the "nice" result was the right one.

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