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Question Number 208789 by Tawa11 last updated on 23/Jun/24

Why is surface tension formula divided by  2L  that is,    surface tension  =  (F/(2L))  why divided by  2L.  Where did the 2 come from?    Example.  Calculate the force required to lift a needle  4cm long off the surface of water, if surface  tension of water is  7.3 × 10^(−4) Nm^(− 1)     Why is the formula   surface tension  =  (F/(2L))  why not      surface tension  =  (F/L)


Commented by mr W last updated on 23/Jun/24

surface = perimeter  if the width of your hand is L, and  you put your hand into water,   your hand has two sides, both   sides cantact water.  this is  where the 2 comes from.  to be exact, it is (F/(2L+2D)), but since  the thickness D is very small   compared with its length L, so we  can say (F/(2L+2B))≈(F/(2L))


Commented by mr W last updated on 23/Jun/24

Commented by Tawa11 last updated on 23/Jun/24

Thanks sir.  I appreciate.


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