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Question Number 209263 by hardmath last updated on 05/Jul/24

  6 different letters were written to 6 different people and 6 different envelopes were prepared with the addresses of these people written on them.  In how many different ways can you put a letter in each envelope without putting a letter written to this person in the envelope with the name of any person?

6 different letters were written to 6 different people and 6 different envelopes were prepared with the addresses of these people written on them. In how many different ways can you put a letter in each envelope without putting a letter written to this person in the envelope with the name of any person?

Commented by mr W last updated on 05/Jul/24

number of derangement   !6=265 ways


Commented by hardmath last updated on 05/Jul/24

Dear professor,    How does !6 = 265, that is 6!  = 720, how is !6 calculated?

Dearprofessor,How does !6 = 265, that is 6! = 720, how is !6 calculated?

Commented by mr W last updated on 05/Jul/24

Commented by mr W last updated on 05/Jul/24

Commented by hardmath last updated on 06/Jul/24

cool dear professor thank you


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