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Question Number 209707 by alcohol last updated on 19/Jul/24

a,b ∈C : ab^−  + b = 0 f : z′ = az^−  + b                 such that f(M) = M′  1. let z_A  = z and z_(A′)  = z′ and f(A) = A  show that 2Re(b^− z) = bb^−   (A is the set of invariant points and   describes a line (△) )  2. Deduce that (△) is a line with   gradient u^( →)  with affix z_u^→   = ib  3. show that (z_(MM ′) /z_u ) = ((bb^−  − 2Re(bz^− ))/(ibb^− ))  4. show that 2Re(b^− z_0 ) = bb^_  where   z_0  = ((z + z ′)/2)  5. Deduce that for M ∉ (△) , M is   a perpendicular bisector of [MM ′]


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