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Question Number 113706 by Rasikh last updated on 15/Sep/20

   ∫(√(tanx)) dx =?


Answered by MJS_new last updated on 15/Sep/20

∫(√(tan x)) dx=       [t=(√(tan x)) → dx=2cos^2  x (√(tan x)) dt]  =2∫(t^2 /(t^4 +1))dt=((√2)/2)∫((t/(t^2 −(√2)t+1))−(t/(t^2 +(√2)t+1)))dt=  =((√2)/4)ln ((t^2 −(√2)t+1)/(t^2 +(√2)t+1)) +((√2)/2)(arctan ((√2)t−1) +arctan ((√2)t+1))  with t=(√(tan x))


Commented by malwan last updated on 16/Sep/20

fantastic   remember  ∫(( dx)/(ax^2  + bx + c)) =   { (((1/( (√(b^2 −4ac))))ln((2ax+b−(√(b^2 −4ac)))/(2ax+b+(√(b^2 −4ax)))) (b^2 >4ac))),(((2/( (√(4ac−b^2 ))))tan^(−1) (((2ax+b)/( (√(4ac−b^2 ))))) (b^2 <4ac))) :}      −(2/(2ax+b))   (b^2  = 4ac)


Answered by mathdave last updated on 15/Sep/20

solution  let t=(√(tanx)) ,t^2 =tanx,dx=((2t)/(1+t^4 ))dt  I=∫(√(tanx))=∫t×((2t)/(1+t^4 ))dt=∫((2t^2 )/(1+t^4 ))dt  but 2t^2 =(t^2 −1)+(1+t^2 )  I=∫((t^2 −1)/(1+t^4 ))dt+∫((t^2 +1)/(1+t^4 ))dt=A+B  let A=∫((t^2 −1)/(1+t^4 ))dt=∫((1−1/t^2 )/(t^2 +1/t^2 ))dt  let t+1/t=p.......(x)  (dp/dt)=1−1/t^2  ,dp=(1−1/t^2 )dt....(1)  and  from  (x)  (t+1/t)^2 =p^2 ,    t^2 +1/t^2 =p^2 −((√2))^2 .......(2)  ∵A=∫(dp/(p^2 −((√2))^2 ))  but ∫(dz/(z^2 −a^2 ))=(1/(2a))ln[((z−a)/(z+a))]  A=∫(dp/(p^2 −((√2))^2 ))=(1/(2(√2)))ln[((p−(√2))/(p+(√2)))]=(1/(2(√2)))ln[((t+1/t−(√2))/(t+1/t+(√2)))]  ∵∫((t^2 −1)/(1+t^4 ))dt=(1/(2(√2)))ln[((t^2 −t(√2)+1)/(t^2 +t(√2)+1))]........xx  and B=∫((t^2 +1)/(1+t^4 ))dt=∫((1+1/t^2 )/(t^2 +1/t^2 ))dt  let t−1/t=p,dp=(1+1/t^2 )dt....(1) and   (t−1/t)^2 =p^2 ,t^2 +1/t^2 =p^2 +((√2))^2 .....(2)  ∫((1+1/t^2 )/(t^2 +1/t^2 ))dt=∫(dp/(p^2 +((√2))^2 ))  but ∫(dz/(z^2 +a^2 ))=(1/a)tan^(−1) [(p/(√2))]  ∫((t^2 +1)/(1+t^4 ))dt=(1/(√2))tan^(−1) [((t^2 −1)/(t(√2)))]  ∵∫(√(tanx))dx=(1/(2(√2)))ln[((t^2 −(√2)t+1)/(t^2 +(√2)t+1))]+(1/(√2))tan^(−1) [((t^2 −1)/((√2)t))]  ∫(√(tanx))dx=((√2)/4)ln[((tanx−(√(2tanx))+1)/(tanx+(√(2tanx))+1))]+((√2)/2)tan^(−1) [((tanx−1)/(√(2tanx)))]+k  mathdave


Commented by mathdave last updated on 15/Sep/20

Commented by Tawa11 last updated on 06/Sep/21

great sir


Answered by mathmax by abdo last updated on 14/Sep/20

I =∫(√(tanx))dx changement (√(tanx))=t give x=arctan(t^2 ) ⇒  I =∫ ((t.(2t))/(1+t^4 )) dt =2 ∫  (t^2 /(1+t^4 )) dt =2 ∫  (1/((1/t^2 )+t^2 )) dt  =∫ ((1−(1/t^2 )+1+(1/t^2 ))/((1/t^2 )+t^2 )) dt =∫  ((1−(1/t^2 ))/((t+(1/t))^2 −2))dt(→ t+(1/t)=u)+∫ ((1+(1/t^2 ))/((t−(1/t))^2  +2))dt(→t−(1/t)=v)  =∫ (du/(u^2 −2)) +∫ (dv/(v^2  +2))  we have ∫ (du/(u^2 −2)) =(1/(2(√2)))∫((1/(u−(√2)))−(1/(u+(√2))))du  =(1/(2(√2)))ln∣((u−(√2))/(u+(√2)))∣ +c_1 =(1/(2(√2)))ln∣((t+(1/t)−(√2))/(t+(1/t)+(√2)))∣ +c_1 =(1/(2(√2)))ln∣((t^2 −(√2)t+1)/(t^2  +(√2)t +1))∣ +c_1   ∫ (dv/(v^2  +2)) =_(v =(√2)α)    ∫  (((√2)dα)/(2(1+α^2 ))) =(1/(√2)) arctan(α)+c2  =(1/(√2)) arctan((1/(√2))(t−(1/t)))+c_2  ⇒  I =(1/(2(√2)))ln∣((t^2 −(√2)t +1)/(t^2 +(√2)t+1))∣ +(1/(√2)) arctan(((t^2 −1)/(t(√2)))) +C  but t=(√(tanx)) ⇒  I =(1/(2(√2)))ln∣((tanx−(√(2tanx))+1)/(tanx +(√(2tanx)) +1))∣ +(1/(√2)) arctan(((tanx−1)/(√(2tanx)))) +C


Answered by john santu last updated on 15/Sep/20

∫ (√(tan x)) dx = ∫ (((√(tan x))+(√(cot x)))/2) dx+∫(((√(tan x))−(√(cot x)))/2) dx  = (1/2)∫ ((√(sin x))/( (√(cos x))))+((√(cos x))/( (√(sin x)))) dx+(1/2)∫((√(sin x))/( (√(cos x))))−((√(cos x))/( (√(sin x)))) dx  = (1/2)∫((sin x+cos x)/( (√(sin 2x))))dx+(1/2)∫((sin x−cos x)/( (√(sin 2x))))dx  = (1/( (√2)))∫ ((sin x+cos x)/( (√(1−(sin x−cos x)^2 ))))dx+(1/( (√2)))∫((sin x−cos x)/( (√((sin x+cos x)^2 −1))))dx  = (1/( (√2))) ∫ (dt/( (√(1−t^2 ))))−(1/( (√2)))∫(du/( (√(u^2 −1))))  = (1/( (√2)))sin^(−1) (t)−(1/( (√2)))ln (u+(√(u^2 −1)))+c  = (1/( (√2))) sin^(−1) (sin x−cos x)−(1/( (√2)))ln (sin x+cos x+(√(sin 2x)))+c  [ note t = sin x−cos x , u=sin x+cos x ]


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