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Question Number 212332 by ffuis2024 last updated on 10/Oct/24

  Please help    1.1.Let XUY=X for all sets X. Prove that Y=0(empty set).   From Singler book

Please help 1.1.Let XUY=X for all sets X. Prove that Y=0(empty set). From Singler book "Excercises in set theory". I think this task is totaly wrong and cannot be proved. I would ask someone to provide me valid proof of that. I have sets X and Y such as Y is subset of X. For example. If Y={1} and X={1,2} then XUY=X is correct but that doesn't imply Y is empty. Another example when X=Y since X is any set. I can choose X=Y. Why not? Then YUY=Y is always true, but again, that doesnt imply Y is empty set Proof in book claim that is correct if we suppose Y is not empty and if we choose for instance X is empty set. Then 0UY=0 but this is wrong since 0UY=Y. Therefore, Y must be empty?

Commented by A5T last updated on 10/Oct/24

The key word here is “all”. X∪Y=X must be  true for all sets X. If Y={1}, X={2,3} is   another set in all, and X∪Y≠X, so Y={1}  doesn′t satisfy.   All sets X such that X=Y is only a subset of   all. You also have to consider other sets from  all such that X≠Y.


Commented by ffuis2024 last updated on 10/Oct/24

I still dont get. I know that also:XUY=X⇔Y⊆X is akways true.So that means Y must be subset of X.  What means for all sets X?


Commented by A5T last updated on 10/Oct/24

A set Y which is the subset of all sets X is   empty.


Commented by ffuis2024 last updated on 10/Oct/24

thanks a lot


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