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Question Number 212522 by Nadirhashim last updated on 16/Oct/24

  in how many ways we  can distribute 6 distinct  balls in 3 identical boxes


Answered by mehdee7396 last updated on 16/Oct/24

 6/0/0 or 5/1/0 or 4/2/0  or 4/1/1 or 3/3/0/ or 3/2/1 or 2/2/2  C(6,6)+C(5,1)C(1,1)+C(6,4)C(2,2)+C(6,4)C(2,1)C(1,1)+C(6,3)C(3,3)+C(6,3)C(3,2)C(1,1)+C(6,2)C(4,2)C(2,2)  =275 ✓


Commented by mr W last updated on 21/Oct/24

it′s wrong sir.  the number of ways to distribute n  distinct objects into  n_1  groups with m_1  objects in each and  n_2  groups with m_2  objects in each  etc.  (n=n_1 m_1 +n_2 m_2 +...+n_r m_r )  is ((n!)/(Π_(k=1) ^r (m_k !)^n_k  n_k !))  therefore for example  3/2/1 ⇒((6!)/(3!2!1!))=60=C(6,3)C(3,2)C(1,1)  2/2/2 ⇒((6!)/((2!)^3 3!))=15≠C(6,2)C(4,2)C(2,2)


Answered by mr W last updated on 16/Oct/24

if the boxes may not be empty:  S(6, 3)=90 ✓  if the boxes may be empty:  S(6,3)+S(6,2)+S(6,1)=90+31+1=122 ✓


Answered by mr W last updated on 17/Oct/24

6/0/0 ⇒1 way  5/1/0 ⇒C_1 ^6 =6 ways  4/2/0 ⇒C_2 ^6 =15 ways  3/3/0 ⇒C_3 ^6 /2=10 ways  4/1/1 ⇒((6!)/(4!(1!)^2 2!))=15 ways  3/2/1 ⇒((6!)/(3!2!1!))=60 ways  2/2/2 ⇒((6!)/((2!)^3 3!))=15 ways  totally: 122 ways ✓


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