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Question Number 212921 by nikif99 last updated on 26/Oct/24

Dear Tinkutara  last days I face a problem:  Very often I loose all my work when  saving (“save file”). I get one or  two blank lines which are saved in  the relevant file.  I use v.2.286, android 12, api level 31.  Any suggestion or update would be  grateful.  Thank you.


Commented by nikif99 last updated on 26/Oct/24

Commented by Tinku Tara last updated on 30/Oct/24

Hi Does this problem occur every time?


Commented by Tinku Tara last updated on 30/Oct/24

Tried saving and loading saved file  I did not face issue. Also save file  does not close editor so you can still  press save to save it inside the app.  Please reply we need more information  to rrsolve this issue


Commented by nikif99 last updated on 30/Oct/24

It occured many times. After the prompt  “overwrite existing file” (or without it  in the case of a new file), the editor lost  all my work, some 10 lines, and saved  a single empty line in the folder  downloads.  When I loaded this file I got an empty  line.  Trying to solve this issue, I deleted  some 200 files of the appfrom this   folder, although I have enough disk  space. Up to now I didn′t notice then   any trouble. It seemed there was an   internal conflit of OS.  Now I save my work in the menu  proposed by Tinku Tara (Algebra,   Geometry, Calculus etc).  Thank you for your efforts!


Commented by Tinku Tara last updated on 30/Oct/24

Thanks for explaination  We will check if there is an issue  in error reporting.


Commented by Tinku Tara last updated on 31/Oct/24

You can export all saved work  in a single file by using option  save all to sd card. You can this  backup to restore data to anither device.  This app does not have automatic  backup to cloud optiin


Commented by nikif99 last updated on 31/Oct/24

Thank you. I recently realised this   option and I use it. All work in a single  file. :)


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