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Question Number 214656 by mr W last updated on 15/Dec/24

Commented by mr W last updated on 17/Dec/24

same conditions as in Q214449  find the final speed of the lower  cylinder.


Answered by mr W last updated on 15/Dec/24

Commented by mr W last updated on 17/Dec/24


Commented by mr W last updated on 16/Dec/24

(X, Y) =center of lower cylinder  (x, y) =center of upper cylinder  Y=r_2   x=X+(r_1 +r_2 ) sin θ  y=r_2 +(r_1 +r_2 ) cos θ  let ω=(dθ/dt)  V_x =−(dX/dt)=U    (←)  V_y =0      (↓)  v_x =(dx/dt)=−U+(r_1 +r_2 )ω cos θ      (→)  v_y =−(dy/dt)=(r_1 +r_2 )ω sin θ        (↓)  both cylinders obtain no rotation.  let k=(m_2 /m_1 )+1 >1  m_2 U=m_1 v_x   ((m_2 U)/m_1 )=v_x =−U+(r_1 +r_2 )ω cos θ  ⇒U=(((r_1 +r_2 )ω cos θ)/k)  loss in P.E.=gain in K.E.  m_1 g(r_1 +r_2 )(1−cos θ)=((m_2 U^2 )/2)+((m_1 [−2U(r_1 +r_2 )ω cos θ+U^2 +(r_1 +r_2 )^2 ω^2 ])/2)  2g(r_1 +r_2 )(1−cos θ)=kU^2 −2U(r_1 +r_2 )ω cos θ+(r_1 +r_2 )^2 ω^2   2g(1−cos θ)=(1−((cos^2  θ)/k))(r_1 +r_2 )ω^2   ⇒ω^2 =((2kg(1−cos θ))/((r_1 +r_2 )(k−cos^2  θ)))  ⇒ω(dω/dθ)=((gk(k−2 cos θ+cos^2  θ)sin θ)/((r_1 +r_2 )(k−cos^2  θ)^2 ))  A_x =(dV_x /dt)=ω(dU/dθ)=(((r_1 +r_2 )ω)/k)(−ωsin θ+cos θ (dω/dθ))  A_x =g sin θ[((2k cos θ−2k−2 cos^3  θ+2 cos^2  θ+k cos θ−2 cos^2  θ+cos^3  θ)/((k−cos^2  θ)^2 ))]  A_x =g sin θ[((−cos^3  θ+3k cos θ−2k)/((k−cos^2  θ)^2 ))]  N sin θ=m_2 A_x   ⇒(N/(m_2 g))=((−cos^3  θ+3k cos θ−2k)/((k−cos^2  θ)^2 ))  N=0:  cos^3  θ−3k cos θ+2k=0  ⇒cos θ=2(√k) sin ((1/3)sin^(−1) (1/( (√k))))  again we see that θ is independent  from the radii of the cylinders, but  only from the ratio of their masses.  U=(((r_1 +r_2 )ω cos θ)/k)  ⇒U=cos θ(√((2(1−cos θ))/(k(k−cos^2  θ))))(√(g(r_1 +r_2 )))


Commented by mr W last updated on 16/Dec/24

Commented by mr W last updated on 16/Dec/24

this picture shows what motions  the cylinders make.  from t=0 to t_1 :   the cylinders have contact to each  other. the upper cylinder pushes   the lower one towards left and   makes this to movefaster and faster.  N>0  at t=t_1 :  the contact between the cylinders  breaks.   N=0.  after t=t_1 :  the cylinders move independently   from each other. the lower one  moves with contant speeed towards  left. the upper one moves towards  right and falls onto the ground and  rebounds from the ground again   and repeats this on and on.....


Commented by ajfour last updated on 16/Dec/24

Looks marvellous! what a fine  treatment, i shall look into the   details. great work sir.


Commented by mr W last updated on 16/Dec/24

i used my standard method. i hope  you also get this result using your  method.


Commented by ajfour last updated on 16/Dec/24

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